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Nordic Bioeconomy Panel: We need to think very differently

19.01.17 | Uutinen
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Benjamin Suomela /
The Nobel Laureate 2016, Bob Dylan, recorded the memorable words “The times they are a-changin’” in 1964. His words have never been truer when it comes to the bioeconomy.

The bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that make responsible use of renewable biological
resources from the land and water for the mutual benefit of business, society and nature. It involves tackling major challenges, both now and in the future.

These include the sustainable production of sufficient nutritious and safe food for our growing population, developing new and more environmentally friendly sources of energy, and combating global warming, which can have serious consequences both on land and in the oceans. Changes in terms of demographics and digitalisation also call for new solutions.

Global leaders in the production and utilisation of bio-resources

It is important that the Nordic countries draw up national policies and plans to address those challenges, but it is even more important that we come together to find lasting solutions to advance all areas of the bioeconomy. The Nordic countries are strongly placed to be global leaders in the production and utilisation of bio-resources that will enhance both competitiveness and sustainability. To continuously develop and improve this position we need inspiration and sharing of knowledge and best practices.

We need to have the courage to think very differently, find new solutions and come together in collaborations that transcend sectors and involve partners we never imagined working with before.




Nordic bioeconomy - 25 cases for sustainable change

To contribute to this development the Icelandic Chairmanship Program for the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a Nordic Bioeconomy Panel, with the aim to make a proposal for a Nordic bioeconomy strategy. The first step to that strategy is to collect and categorize a catalog of good examples of the Nordic bioeconomy. In this catalogue "Nordic bioeconomy - 25 cases for sustainable change", we present just a selection of the many excellent cases that deserve attention, but the selected cases seek to illustrate the diverse bioeconomy activities in the Nordic countries. We hope that they will inspire you and enhance your understanding of the bioeconomy, its importance and its potential.

The times are indeed a-changin’, and to succeed we need to have the courage to think very differently, find new solutions and come together in collaborations that transcend sectors and involve partners we never imagined working with before.

Hörður G. Kristinsson,
chair of the Nordic Bioeconomy Panel

New publication: Nordic Bioeconomy – 25 cases for sustainable change