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Food waste conference with global perspective

12.04.17 | Fréttir
Æbler til Kulturnatten 2015
norden.org / Vita Thomsen
Measures to prevent food waste are a hot topic. A Nordic conference with an international agenda will discuss the issues involved on 27 April. The event is being held under the auspices of the Norwegian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food, Jon Georg Dale, will make the opening address and the results of a successful Nordic food-waste project will be presented.

The Nordic countries started to work together on food waste in 2013 as part of the prime ministers' green growth initiative. The focus was on reducing waste throughout the food chain and the overall aim was to do so without compromising food safety. The three priority themes were:

  • food waste in primary production
  • date labelling
  • redistribution of food and food banks.


International perspective

The Oslo conference on 27 April marks the conclusion of the food waste project. It will discuss the results achieved for each of the priority themes and take a more overarching, international look at the issue based on the UN sustainable development goals and the EU Action Plan.

As well as keynote speakers from the Nordic countries, the conference will also hear from James Lomax of Agri-Food UNEP and Anne-Laure Gassin of the EU Commission.


Nordic solutions in shopping baskets

The Nordic food-waste project proves that results can be achieved within a relatively short time frame. Regular exchanges of information about research, experiences and practices between the organisations and stakeholders involved in the project have facilitated Nordic meetings and initiatives to address international trends and develop best practices and tools, e.g. for working together on date labelling, which has a direct impact on shopping.

Selected publications from the project (in English only):


Learn from Nordic experiences 

The conference will be in English. The venue is Gardermoen, Norway. It will last from 10–16:00 on 27 April.

The deadline for registration is 18 April.

Further information and programme (in Norwegian)  (Regjeringen.no)

Register here (Regjeringen.no)