Apply for side-event at the Nordic Pavilion

SOFF event COp27
Andreas Omvik
We invite you to submit your applications for side-events at the Nordic Pavilion at COP28 in Dubai.

NOTE! The application process closed on 23 June 2023.
  • 23 June: Deadline for application
  • 18 August: Information on acceptance
  • 15 November: Final program is launched 


Don't hesitate to contact us at:

Please also consult the official COP28 website for more general information about the venue etc.: COP28 UAE | United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC)

What we know so far:

It is still early days and the information we have on the UNFCCC setup in Dubai is very limited.

  • Time and place: The UAE will be hosting the 28th session of the Conference of Parties (COP28) to the UNFCCC from 30 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 in Dubai.
  • Venue: Dubai Expo City will serve as the venue for COP28. 
  • Presidency: The President-Designate for COP28 UAE is Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology


Good to know before your apply for a side-event:

We accept applications written in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

Access to COP28
The Nordic Pavilion is located in the Blue Zone. Please note that this area requires accreditation to gain access. The Blue Zone is an UNFCCC-managed site that will host formal negotiations, panel discussions and speaking events as well as the pavilion-area. We realize that the limited access to the Blue zone areas can be a bit of a challenge when trying to arrange an event. The Nordic Council of Ministers cannot help with access/accreditation to the Blue Zone. We refer you to the official guidelines from UNFCCC: How to obtain observer status | UNFCCC

The program is put together by the communications department in Nordic Council of Ministers. Please note that you might be asked to co-create your event with another applicant. We strive to align our program with the COP28 presidency thematic program.

If your event is chosen as part of the program at the Nordic COP28 Pavilion we will be in touch regarding content, speakers, text for program and communications. Please note that all marketing and communications including costs is the responsibility of the organiser of the individual events.

After each event there will be 20 minutes pause and room for mingle and discussions ‘of stage’. We also offer the option to host receptions in the afternoon/early evenings.

The existence of the pavilion is ensured by the Nordic Co-Operation. It is hence a communal platform for the most important and relevant climate messages shared by the Co-operation as a whole. We do not sell time slots in our side-event program - a good and relevant application is the only currency. 

When involving children and young people
The Nordic Region must be the best place in the world for children and young people. Our ambition is for child rights and youth perspective to permeate all parts of the Nordic Council of Ministers' work and of Nordic societies. There must be a common minimum level of the involvement of children and young people and, above all, the work must be carried out in a way that protects and promotes children’s safety and security.

Read more about our principles when involving children and young here.

We hope to make streaming available for all suitable events.