Education, research and digitalisation in the Nordic Region

Mann som anvender VR-briller
Manny Moreno, Unsplash
The Nordic Council of Ministers seeks to create a make the Nordic Region a good education and research area for children, young people and adults in terms of mobility, quality and political priorities.

Educational attainment

The Nordic Region has one of the world’s best-educated populations. A common indicator of national educational attainment is the proportion of the population aged 30–34 who have completed higher education. Based on this, the Nordic countries are all above the EU average, and Norway ranks highest among the Nordic countries. 

Higher education as % of 30–34-year-olds. 2021

Research & Development

Scientifically based knowledge is essential for sustainable development in all areas of society. It is making a vital contribution to the green transition, our competitiveness and the forging of a socially sustainable society. Advanced Nordic research co-operation improves the quality and impact of research. Of the Nordic countries, Sweden currently allocates the most (as a share of GDP) to research and development.

Research and development expenditure as % of GDP. 2021

Internet access

The Nordic Region is a digital pioneer. In terms of household internet access, coverage in most of the countries is close to 100%. 

Household access to the internet as %. 

More facts about education, research and digitalisation

The Nordic Statistics database includes data for education, research and digitalisation. 

Analyses and studies are also available at NordForsk.

State of the Nordic Region contains analyses, data and statistics on education, research and digitalisation in the Nordic countries presented from a regional angle. 

Further information on education, research and digitalisation and Nordic co-operation is available here