The Nordic Expert Group for Sustainable Development

The Ministers for Nordic Co-operation have set up a group of national experts to work on sustainable development and Agenda 2030.

The Nordic Expert Group for Sustainable Development supports the Nordic Committee for Co-operation and the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation in the implementation and follow-up of Our Vision 2030 and cross-sectoral efforts relating to sustainable development in the Nordic Council of Ministers. The expert group consists of members representing the ministries and youth organisations of the Nordic countries, with close ties to national efforts relating to sustainable development and Agenda 2030.


Approved by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation on 18 September 2020


The purpose of the Nordic Expert Group for Sustainable Development is to assist the Nordic Committee for Co-operation and the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation in the implementation and follow-up of Our Vision 2030 and cross-sectoral efforts relating to sustainable development in the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

Our Vision 2030 is the framework for Nordic co-operation for efforts relating to sustainable development. Work on the vision also contributes to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the global sustainable development goals. The Nordic expert group for sustainable development will ensure a clear link between efforts relating to sustainable development in the Nordic Region and Agenda 2030 and the global sustainable development goals.

Group tasks


The Nordic expert group for sustainable development is tasked with the following, under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers:

  • To act as a reference group for cross-sectoral efforts relating to sustainable development and Agenda 2030. This work is defined in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ working plan for cross-sectoral efforts relating to sustainable development in the period 2021 to 2024.
  • To advise on governance and coherence relating to sustainable development. This is based on Our Vision 2030 and Agenda 2030 and takes place primarily through dialogue with the Nordic Committee for Co-operation and the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation, as well as the Nordic Council of Ministers’ other committees of senior officials and ministerial councils. 
  • To provide support for cross-sectoral efforts relating to Our Vision 2030. This is based on the Nordic Region’s shared sustainability challenges and contributes to the implementation of Agenda 2030.  The emphasis is on sustainable consumption (i.e. G4/SDG 12), a socially sustainable green transition (i.e. S10 / SDG 10), and the involvement of civil society and children and young people (i.e. S11 / SDG 16 and 17) in the period 2021 to 2024.
  • To follow up on Our Vision 2030 and the three strategic priorities. This is based on the Nordic development indicators for the vision. Work with the Nordic development indicators for Our Vision 2030 must be linked to national efforts relating to statistics and indicators for following up on Agenda 2030 and the global sustainable development goals.
  • To facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge in the implementation of Agenda 2030. This is achieved in connection with the meetings of the Nordic expert group for sustainable development and Nordic knowledge sharing events.

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ secretariat for sustainable development actively supports cross-sectoral efforts relating to sustainable development through co-ordination with various sectors and elements of the secretariat, as well as through guidance from the Nordic expert group for sustainable development.



The Nordic expert group for sustainable development consists of members representing the ministries and youth organisations of the Nordic countries.

The Nordic expert group for sustainable development consists of one to two members from each Nordic country as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. The members must be senior officials in a ministry with close ties to political governance in respect of sustainable development and Agenda 2030. The members must thus be skilled in strategic efforts relating to sustainable development, and adopt a holistic and cross-sectoral perspective. The chair of the group rotates in line with the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The members are appointed by the countries at the request of the Nordic Committee for Co-operation and the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation. 

The Nordic expert group for sustainable development also has two youth members. The youth representatives must have close ties to the national umbrella organisations of their respective youth organisations. The youth representatives must be knowledgeable about strategic efforts relating to sustainable development and Agenda 2030, and adopt a holistic and cross-sectoral perspective. The youth representatives are appointed by the umbrella organisations of the Nordic youth organisations to represent the underlying youth organisation that they are a member of in accordance with the same model as the other youth delegates are appointed. The youth representatives rotate according to the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers and sit on the group for two years (i.e. during the year of the presidency and the following year).[5]

The Nordic expert group for sustainable development can, if necessary, set up time-limited and ad-hoc working groups for well-defined assignments.

Mandate period

This mandate runs from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2024. 
The mandate was approved by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation on 10 September 2020.

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