Toolkit for the campaign #DadonBoard
The idea behind the #DadOnBoard campaign is to get dads to inspire other dads to share parenting equally. Nordic dads are the best in the world at taking parental leave to spend with their young children. Yet despite the fact that parents usually have the opportunity to share parental leave equally, Nordic dads took only a 20-percent share on average in 2017.
This is how you do it
1. Copy a message for your channel on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
2. Use one of the sharables or a video
3. Use the right hashtag and @handles
4. Or, pick a ready-made Tweet for your own channel
5. Share the news about State of the Nordic Fathers and Fathers Week:
6. Join the Facebook Event "Launch of State of Nordic Fathers".
You will find all what you need below ⬇️
1. Copy a message
Are you a #DadOnBoard? Show that you share parental leave - post a pic of you and your kid and tell us why it is important to #SharetheCare. We promise to show your message to Nordic governments!
Dads! This is your shot at equal rights and a close relationship with your kid. This is Nordic #GenderEquality. Show us the importance of father's leave and that you are a #DadonBoard and post a message to Nordic Governments!
We would like to know if you're a #DadonBoard. Post a pic with your baby and tell us why you want paid parental leave. We’ll share it with policymakers on 14 November at the launch of the new report State of Nordic Fathers. Learn more about Nordic dads at
Dad, you hold the key to gender equality. #SharedParentalLeave is a key to prosperity – it's good for parents, good for children and good for the economy. Show us that you are a #DadOnBoard!
Hur jämställd pappa är du? Inspirera andra pappor att ta en större del av föräldraledigheten. Eller: Uppmana din regering att gynna ett jämställt föräldraskap! Posta din bästa bild story om varför delad föräldraledighet gör skillnad under #DadOnBoard eller #ShareTheCare
Är du en #DadOnBoard? Posta din bästa bild & story om hur/varför jämställd föräldraledighet gör skillnad! Vi lovar att ditt budskap når fram till de nordiska regeringarna.
Fædre i Norden er bedste i verden til at dele barselsorloven. Men vi er ikke i mål endnu. Vis, at du støtter ligedeling af orlov. Del et billede og budskab under #DadOnBoard - og vi lover at det når frem til de nordiske regeringer!
2. Get a sharable with an image
- Sharables to used in social media posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: Download from Dropbox
Use a video to get Dad on Board
3. Use the right hashtag and @handles
The hashtags for the campaigns are #DadOnBoard and #ShareTheCare. You can also use other hashtags, fx
#NordicGenderEffect #NordicGenderEquality #GenderEquality
Organisation tags (partners)
UN Women
- Twitter: @UN_Women @unwomennordic
- Facebook: @unwomen
- Twitter: @Promundo_US
- Facebook: @Promundo.US
- Twitter: @ManForJamst
- Facebook: @man.for.jamstalldhet
Boston Consulting Group
- Twitter: @BCG
- Facebook: @BostonConsultingGroup
Nordic Council of Ministers
5. Pick a ready-made Tweet for your own channel
Dads! We'd like to know if you're a #DadonBoard. Post a pic📷 with your kid and tell us why you want paid and #SharedParentalLeave. We’ll share it with policymakers on 14 November at launch of the new report: State of Nordic Fathers.
#ShareTheCare #NordicGenderEquality
Are you a #Dadonboard? Show that you share parental leave - post a pic📷 with your kid and tell us why it's so important to #SharetheCare❤️. We promise to show your message to Nordic governments!
#GenderEquality #SharedParentalLeave #NordicGenderEffect
Are you a #DadonBoard? Parental leave is your shot at #GenderEquality & for an equal right to a close relationship with your kid. Show us that you #ShareTheCare❤️! In return we'll share your message with policymakers on 14 November at launch of the new report: State of Nordic Fathers
Dads, we’re prepping to launch the brand-new report: State of Nordic Fathers. Show us that you're a #DadOnBoard & #ShareTheCare❤️. Post a pic with your baby and tell us why you want paid and #SharedParentalLeave.