From Nordic to Global stocktakes and visions – New York Climate Week 2023
Chrysler Building
666 Third Ave, 21st floor
New York City, NY 10017
From Nordic to Global Stocktakes and Visions
The world is taking stock of climate action and so are the Nordic countries. The project “Nordic Stocktake and Visions - Pathways to Climate Neutrality” investigates how far the Nordic region has come on the path towards climate neutrality and the gaps still remaining. It also spurs dialogue on visions for the future and how to speed up solutions to bridge existing gaps. Starting from preliminary findings from the Nordic Stocktake and Visions project, this event brings together high-level government and business leaders from sectors in transitions in the Nordics to discuss visions, challenges and solutions on the path to climate neutrality.
Time: Tuesday 19. September 2023 at 12:00-12:45 (EDT/GMT-4)
Timo Jaatinen, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Marianne Karlsen, Chief Climate Analyst, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Norway
UAE COP Presidency representative (tbc)
Fleming Voetmann, Vice President, External Relations & Sustainability, VELUX
Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
Anne Olhoff, Senior Advisor at CONCITO and Chief Scientific Editor of the UNEP Emissions Gap Report
The project is conducted by a Nordic consortium consisting of CONCITO, CICERO, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Iceland and Reykjavik University, and Tyrsky Consulting. The project is commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers to support the Nordic Vision 2030. The overall aim of the Nordic Vision is to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.