Seed Longevity and Survival of Seed Borne Diseases After 35 Years Conservation in Permafrost
– Report From the 100 Year Storage Experiment
The Nordic Gene Bank (predecessor to today's plant section of The Nordic Genetic Resource Center, NordGen) established the 100 year seed storage experiment in Coal mine no. 3 outside Longyearbyen, Svalbard, in 1986. The experiment was established with the aim to monitor the longevity of seeds in this Nordic back-up seed collection that were deposited in the coal mine from 1984 and to gain general knowledge about the longevity of seed stored under permafrost conditions, as well as studying the survival of seed borne plant pathogens.Seed samples have regularly been withdrawn for analysis according to a fixed withdrawal and analyze plan, that will continue until the last samples are analyzed in 2086.