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Voicing the Future

03.12.18 | Viðburður
Youth day at COP24

Youth day at COP24

Robert Bednarczyk
The next generation inherit the biggest challenge humanity has ever encountered. How do we cope with such an immense outlook? We raise our voices and take action!


09:30 - 18:30



9:30 - 10:00 Morning Talk

10:15 - 11:30 My Climate Action Counts: Mobilisation for Climate Action and Low-Carbon Lifestyles in Nordic Countries and the World

An interactive dialogue to discuss and share ideas for how different movements can reach those not already convinced and how to connect movements of the world to support each other for global change. The overall goal is that the collective efforts convince different power-holders across the world to take action – during COP24 and continuously.

ReGeneration 2030

12:00 - 13:00 The Global Arctic Youth Network (AYN): How Climate Change, Biodiversity and Cultural Equality are Interconnected

Youth from different cultures and regions will share their individual perspectives and have a shared discussion on how the global Arctic Youth Network (AYN) facilitates a global discussion and collaboration on sustainable development, focusing on what we believe are key elements, i.e. climate change, biodiversity and cultural equality.

Arctic Youth Network

13:30 - 14:45 Making COP Participation Effective and Meaningful - A Youth Lens

Methodologies and ways on how young participants can derive most out of their COP experience, while highlighting the role of youth in implementing the Paris Agreement, and thereby in the negotiations of its Work Program.

YOUNGO Policy Operations Team

15:00 - 16:00 Climate Change and the World’s Biggest Youth Population – What’s Sex Got To Do With It?

COP participants are invited to reflect on the interlinkages between sexual and reproductive health and rights, population dynamics (with a particular focus on the world’s biggest youth population) and climate change adaptation, while experts within the field will present how integrated and cross-sectoral efforts are crucial in ensuring sustainable development across economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Sex og Samfund

16:15 - 16:45 Afternoon Brief

How are the perspectives of the youth in the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions reflected in the wider COP24 arena – how can we facilitate a dialogue?

17:00 - 18:30 Launch of Global Challenges Youth Music Contest 2019

Let us sing a new song of global community and joint caring for people and planet!

IAAI GloCha together with all Youth Day Organizers