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Climate Clever Citizens challenge parliamentarians - Nordic Council Day

11.12.19 | Viðburður
Tommi Selander
When it comes to the climate – are parliamentarians capable of acting as agents of change? This is your opportunity to challenge the Nordic MPs and other politicians: What can they do to meet the demands for changes of behaviour, systems and economic paradigms? We will discuss the circular economy in depth and try to push biodiversity further up the climate agenda.


09:00 - 21:00

IFEMA - Feria de Madrid , hall 6
Avda. del Partenón 5
28042 Madrid

09.00-11.00 Nordic Meeting

(By invitation only)

Presentation af IPCC rapport: The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

  • Reflections from an arctic perspective, Arctic council
  • How can the Nordic region work together in response to a changing ocean environment

State of play COP25

The Nordic region as agent of change

Nordic Council

11.30-12.30 Business Lunch

Business + Politics= fast change

Business Sweden

13.00-14.00 The role of parliamentarians in a changing world

The responsibility for climate actions cannot be isolated to either civil society or the political systems. It has to be based on a bridgebuilding between both. Why is climate change and climate actions important for civil society and what is the role of civil society as agent of change and how can parliamentarians facilitate this. There is a growing consensus that climate change cannot be ignored and business as usual is no longer an option. In this context parliamentarians are discussing how they can meet these demands for changes in behaviour, systems and economic paradigms and will during the event be challenged by a panel of young people and civil society. Accept of the changed condition and willingness to take action by civil society will be a condition. How can parliamentarians facilitate such changes?


  • Liselott Blixt, member of the Danish Parliament and the Nordic Council 
  • Alice Bah Kuhnke, member of the European Parliament
  • Espen Barth Eide, member of he Norwegian Parliament

Questioning panel

  • Jennifer Lenhart, Global lead,  WWF cities
  • Pär Larshans, Chief Responsibility Public Affairs, Ragn-Sells
  • Stina Bagge, Arctic Youth network


  • Liv Kari Eskeland, member of the Norwegian Parliament

Nordic Council

15.00-16.00 Political leadership in the context of circular economy

This side event will discuss the impact of the circular economy to the existing market economy in its present form. After the introduction of the concept of circular economy only few years ago the concept has gained a lot of attention and momentum. However, sometimes is seems to be dealt with as a quick fix that just needs to be implemented. But CE is not an easy fix. I.e. internalization of externalities in terms of environmental consequences is still not the new norm and the existing market economy in its present form simply cannot implement circular economy alone. Political leadership and policy instrument is needed.


  • Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director EEA
  • María Mendiluce, Managing Director World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Anthony Abbotts, Group Director of Group Sustainability Rockwool
  • Nils Torvalds, member of the European Parliament
  • Elva Hrönn Hjartardóttir, member of the Nordic Youth


  •  Ketil Kjenseth, Nordic Council

Nordic Council

16.30-17.45 The nexus – climate change and biodiversity

The purpose of the event is to increase the understanding of the linkages between climate and biodiversity, how to ensure mainstreaming and strengthen cooperation between the two communities and the role of youth and parliamentarians. There will be discussion around the following

Q: How can the international community better respond to the climate-biodiversity agenda? How to ensure mainstreamning at national level? how can parliamentarians better respond to mainstreaming and the voices of the youth? How closer corporation among stakeholders including youth can be facilitated?

Nordic Council

18.00-18.30 Bridging the biodiversity and climate community

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid

  • Pär Holmgren, European Parliament
  • Monika Skadborg, UN delegate
  • Stina Bagge, Arctic Youth Network 
  • Rasmus Nordqvist, Danish Parliament
  • Gustaf Zachrisson, the youth delegation on biodiversity 
  • Tine Svendsen, the youth delegation on biodiversity

The briefing will summarize discussion from the event in Madrid on climate and biodiversity and reflect upon the outcome from the workshop on climate and biodiversity and youth in Stockholm.

19.00-21.00 Reception

LIVE from 6:00 p.m.