Nordic co-operation on disability

Handicap rullestol sport
Audi Nissen
Nordic co-operation on disability contributes to the inclusion of people with disabilities by way of the enhanced sharing of knowledge throughout the region and close co-operation with regard to disability policy issues. This includes an advisory body and an action plan with three focus areas: Human rights, sustainable development, and freedom of movement.

Equal opportunities and security regardless of a citizen’s gender, ethnicity, religion, belief, functional capacity, age, or sexual orientation are cornerstones of the Nordic welfare societies. Our social rights provide everyone with equal access to healthcare systems, social services, education, culture, and the labour market. No one should be excluded.

Human rights and participation are unwavering principles in Nordic co-operation on disability issues. In the Nordic Region, we strive for sustainable social development based on the opportunities of those living in the region to enjoy individual freedom and self-fulfilment. A key principle is that those with a disability should be involved in policy-making that affects them. Dialogue between public and civil society organisations is essential.

Nordic co-operation on disability is conducted primarily through the Nordic programme for co-operation on disability issues, the Council for Nordic Co-operation on Disability (an advisory body for all official Nordic co-operation), the support scheme for co-operation between Nordic disability organisations, and Nordic deafblind activities.

Nordic co-operation on disability benefits the Nordic countries by supplementing and strengthening ongoing national processes with the aim of ensuring inclusion in all areas of society.

Integrating a disability perspective into the different policy areas requires cross-sectoral collaboration. The Nordic Council of Ministers works systematically to strengthen the disability perspective in all relevant policy areas. Efforts relating to the integration of disability perspectives in Nordic governmental co-operation concern: raising awareness, integrating and following up on disability perspectives in policy areas, and internal efforts relating to accessibility within the Secretariat to the Nordic Council of Ministers and its institutions.


Nordic Council of Ministers’ action plan for Vision 2030

The action plan describes how the Nordic Council of Ministers will work to achieve the objectives of the vision through a series of initiatives linked to the vision’s three strategic priorities: a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region. There are 12 objectives linked to the strategic priorities. The strategic priorities and objectives govern all the activities of the Nordic Council of Ministers over the next four years. The action plan is divided into 12 sections, each one linked to one of the 12 objectives.