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Promote the sharing economy in the Nordic Region!

31.10.17 | Fréttir
Lars Tysklind
Magnus Fröderberg/norden.org
“Remove barriers to the sharing and platform economy in the Nordic Region,” says the Nordic Council Sustainability Committee.

The Sustainability Committee sees opportunities to promote knowledge transfer and dialogue about good practice between the Nordic countries, and would like the Council of Ministers to adopt a proactive approach to the issue. The Committee also suggests that regulation may be needed to avoid barriers to freedom of movement and the potentially unfortunate social consequences of the sharing economy.

“The sharing economy is growing in the Nordic countries and we can prevent cross-border problems arising with things like tax and working conditions,” says Lars Tysklind (Lib, Sweden), who chaired Tuesday’s meeting and represents the Centre Group on the Committee.

The Committee agrees that the sharing economy has positive potential for utilising resources, personal economies and sustainable development, but underlines that the rules are as yet unclear.  

The sharing economy is high on the political agenda in the Nordic countries, the EU and the OECD. The Committee proposal will act as input into the next action plan for the Nordic Council of Ministers for Business, Energy & Regional Policy (MR-NER), which will sketch out the shape of the sharing and platform economy in the Nordic Region.

The proposal will now be submitted to the Nordic Council Presidium, which will make a decision on the recommendation at its December meeting.