Program Education and Research

The Swedish Presidency 2018


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The Programme for Education and Research for the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers presents the presidency’s main priorities in the area of education and research. Through its Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018, Sweden wishes to work for an inclusive, innovative and secure Nordic region. In achieving those goals, education and research have a crucial part to play. To enable individuals and societies to develop, education has to be inclusive and accessible to all. The education we provide must be sustainable, but also capable of responding to the changes taking place in society. Research is one of the areas that need to be most innovative and dynamic of all, to offer answers to the major challenges which our societies face and which we share across the Nordic countries. Important starting points for the the Swedish Presidency are strengthening the Nordic added value and the need for a long-term approach. That requires a clear focus on long-term strategic issues that will strengthen the foundations for Nordic co-operation in education and research. Two questions crucial to the future will dominate the Presidency year. The first is our common Nordic research policy, the second the report of the High Level Group on the future of Nordic co-operation in education.
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