Nordic ministerial declaration on COP28

21.11.23 | Declaration
The declaration was approved by the Nordic Ministers to the Environment and Climate on November 13th 2023.


We, the Nordic Ministers for Climate and the Environment from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Åland; 

Are deeply concerned about the state of the environment of our planet. Human-induced climate change is already contributing to many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. In the Nordic region we have observed more frequent hot extremes, including heatwaves, in addition to more frequent and intense heavy precipitation events. The temperature in the Arctic region has increased four times faster than in the rest of the world over the past 30 years, according to recent research, with dramatic consequences, such as thawing permafrost and shrinking ice sheets, within and beyond the region. 

Underline with utmost urgency that we must step up our efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees. COP 28 must send a strong political message on the importance of a science-based approach regarding raising our ambition and taking climate action in line with the Paris Agreement’s goals. Science must be the basis and the driver for higher ambition at COP28. 

Stress that the message from the IPCC AR6 that the trajectory for keeping 1.5 degrees within reach requires global peaking of GHG emissions immediately and before 2025 at the latest as well as 43% reductions of emission globally by 2030 compared to 2019. This involves immediate rapid, deep and sustained greenhouse gas emissions reductions in all sectors this decade. 

Looking forward to the conclusion of the political phase of the first Global Stocktake and strongly underline that the outcome, to be captured in a Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) decision, must include a firm commitment to align our policies to collectively achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, reflecting the highest possible ambition.  

Stress that the outcome of the Global Stocktake must lead to enhanced ambitions and action, including through updated ambitious economy- wide Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) covering all sectors and greenhouse gases ahead of COP30 aligned with pathways to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. The outcome should send a clear message about the need to strengthen climate adaptation, and to make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilient development, including a global phase-out of unabated fossil fuels and fossil fuel subsidies which do not address energy poverty, energy security or just transition as soon as possible. The outcome should also emphasize the need to significantly scale up fossil free and renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency globally by 2030. It should further take into account the recommendations of the IEA WEO23 in particular on tripling global renewable capacity and doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement, while respecting each country’s national energy mix, noting also the recent European Union’s conclusions on preparations for COP 28. 

Stress the urgent need for a global phase out of all existing coal power-plants and the immediate halt of any new constructions. 

Affirm that we in the Nordic region are committed to demonstrate that there are mitigation and adaptation options available in all sectors that can be applied and scaled up globally. We expect all countries that have the tools, know-how and institutional and financial capacity to step up and lead by example, including in the build-up of such capacities in developing countries. 

Underline that price signals for climate mitigation are critical to driving investment and behavior change to lower emissions. Carbon pricing must continue to grow globally, both in terms of coverage and price, to drive the transformational change needed to meet the Paris temperature goal. 

Recognize that the Nordic countries were early starters in the energy transition and development of the bioeconomy including food systems. However, to become climate neutral, we too need to accelerate the efforts within all sectors. 

Recognize the key role of business and industry in the climate transition, not least when it comes to demonstrating how the climate transition can spur innovation, rural development and competitive green jobs.

Also recognize the potential of replacing fossil products and energy with products and bioenergy from producers and enterprises in biobased sectors. Promoting rural growth, sustainable use of land and waters for production and other ecosystem services. 

Reaffirm the commitments of the Nordic countries to become climate neutral. In this regard we commit to intensify our cooperation to support the whole Nordic region becoming climate neutral well before 2050 and to pursue efforts to reach climate neutral societies already by 2045. 

Confirm that the Nordic co-operation should support the countries to accelerate the decarbonization with initiatives that could pave the way for a just and inclusive transition within all sectors and all parts of our societies. The transformation to net zero emission societies creates opportunities, jobs and spurs investments and innovation. Our vision of a climate neutral Nordic society is one of a society in balance – socially and environmentally, a smarter society with inclusive democracy and long-term policies. 

Stress that we need ambitious climate targets and immediate climate action. We underline that all Parties need to align their NDC and long-term low emissions development strategies, including quantified, economy-wide targets for all GHGs with 1.5 degrees pathways. 

Recall our commitment to continue to support the countries that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability. 

Underline that by working together, we will develop low and zero emission technologies with global implications. We stand ready to deepen our cooperation in climate action and demonstrate our strong leadership in tackling climate change at a national, regional and global level. 

Welcome the report Nordic Stocktake and Visions. We take note of the recommendations and commit to intensify our cooperation within the Nordic Council of Ministers through initiatives that could contribute to: 

  • increase acceptability - and reduce potential negative impacts on nature and local populations - for renewable energy installations
  • further decarbonize the domestic transport sector
  • support a just transition that leaves no-one behind 
  • incentivize direct electrification of suitable industrial processes across the Nordic countries
  • intensify collaboration on the value chain of Carbon Capture and Storage across the Nordic countries
  • improve knowledge on policies and methods for climate accounting, incentive structures for reduced emissions from agriculture, forestry and land-use change and collaboration on addressing consumption-based emissions in the Nordic countries. 

We are committed to demonstrate global leadership in line with the Paris Agreement’s goals, reflecting both the urgency and opportunities that the transition to 1.5 degrees entails. We look forward to COP28 and stand ready to work with all countries for a successful outcome.

Signed by

Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate, Iceland

Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway

Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Denmark

Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment, Finland

Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden

Ingilín D. Strøm, Minister of Environment, Faroe Islands

Christian Wikström, Minister of Environment, Åland