Ten highlights from the Nordic Pavilion at COP27

Johan Rockström and Nadia Gullestrup at the stage in Nordic Pavillon during cop27

Johan Rockström Nadia Gullestrup cop27

Andreas Omvik
With more than 50 events, the Nordic Pavilion at COP27 covered a wide range of topics on climate change and solutions. We've selected ten highlights for you to enjoy.

The Nordic countries have ambitious climate goals, and we firmly believe we can do more by working together. During UN's annual climate negotiations we invite voices from all over the world to discuss our shared challenges, highlight possible solutions and ways forward as well as zooming in on the role and responsibilities of the Nordic region.

With more than 50 events the side-event program at the Nordic Pavilion at COP27 covered a wide range of topics on climate change and solutions. In the following we have selected 10 highlights from the 12 day long programme and we encourage you to spent some time in company with some of the worlds most interesting voices sharing their insights on the worlds biggest challenges.

Hear from among others Johan Rockström, Nadia Gullestrup Christensen, Hans Bruyninckx, Markku Ollikainen, Espen Barth Eide, Joshua Amponsem, Sara Olsvig, Kimberly Mathisen, Jon Johnsen and Maximo Mazzocco.

Ten highlights from the Nordic Pavilion at COP27

1. What could the future look like?

How will we build, eat, cook, invest and live if we are to meet the 1.5-degree target? What changes need to be made and how will they impact our everyday lives?  Every action that limits global heating can reduce the suffering endured by people from climate impacts. Drastic emission reduction is necessary, and every fraction of a degree counts.

2. High Level Panel: The way forward from COP27

We came to COP27 with the sense of urgency. We know that science tells us we are already running out of time. Technological fixes is not enough. We need systemic change within every sector. The pandemic showed us that we can respond rapidly to crisis. So can we use this ability to change the climate crisis? 

Our future starts with the decisions we make today, so what kind of decisions can we hope will come out of COP27? 

3. Ecocide Law Now!

We need an international law against ecocide. How can we push for accountability in the Nordic Region? 

We’re in the midst of a climate emergency and governments and institutions are not reacting to this reality. We need transformative policies and actions to ensure a sustainable future for all. The Nordic countries must see COP27 as an opportunity to demonstrate radical steps towards global climate justice.

The position of global and Nordic young people is clear: We want to see a systemic change and an Ecocide Law.

4. Accelerating change with climate finance

How can we accelerate the change with climate finance and market mechanisms?

The needed transformation is depending on a change in how we think, create and invest in new projects and change of the existing. How can purpose investments from the private sector and voluntary compensation be new ways to accelerate the change?

5. The power of youth climate councils

Youth climate councils are springing up to play a key role in the fight against climate change. Should more countries follow troop?

The institutionalised involvement of young people must be central in a transition that has deep ties to the future they are bound to live in. In countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, Brazil and Ghana, youth climate councils are springing up to play a key role in the fight against climate change.

6. Clean cooking – Multiple issues, one solution

How do we improve women and children's health by decreasing exposure to black carbon, reduce carbon emissions, prevent deforestation and promote gender equality by empowering women? It's all about clean cooking.

Over 4 billion people globally and almost 900 million people in Sub-Saharan African countries lack access to modern and clean cooking solutions.

7. Dare to share – your future depends on it!

Sustainable governance depends on data sharing across borders, sectors, and silos. Although the Nordic and Baltic region is at the forefront when it comes to digitalisation, we still need to pick up the pace! 

How can we work to improve general understanding around and the demand for data sharing? And how can we make sure this data is utilised for the wider benefit of society, when a large amount of data belongs to industry and private companies? Can we create transparent and trustworthy structures for collaboration or partnerships between the public and private sectors?

8. Sustainable diets for climate action

What we eat and how we produce food is not only causing untold damage to our environment and climate, it is also harming our health. Our diets are a key component in the climate action we need to take. Furthermore, our diets need to be given a central role at COP27.

Ahead of the release of the new sustainability edition of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, this event will provide a discussion on hot topics relating to sustainable and healthy diets, behavioural change and a just transition for the health of ourselves and our planet.  

9. Arctic societies in transition

The Arctic has warmed three times quicker than the planet as a whole. The effects of climate change are visible already today. How can Arctic societies be agents of change in the green transition? How do the Arctic societies adapt to climate change and what pathways are possible for sparsely inhabited areas with vast distances and a harsh climate? What could Artic societies look like in 2050?

10. Placing gender equality at the heart of green jobs

The green transition offers an opportunity to transform the world of work. We understand green jobs as climate-friendly products and services. What would happen if we viewed jobs in care sectors, not just as socially sustainable, but also as valuable green jobs?