Fæbrik - Norway

A creative movement for textile reuse by teaching people to sew, repair and redesign, and to share their creations on social media.

Fæbrik is nominated for the 2023 Nordic Council Environment Prize.

In a short space of time, Fæbrik has become an influential platform with more than 100,000 followers on social media, its own podcast, and a website for selling surplus textiles, patterns and online courses so that people can learn to sew their own clothes. On social media, they share videos of simple stitches and examples of how patterns can be amended to suit different body shapes and made in different textiles to give a unique style.  

Fæbrik consists of four figures who have made a name for themselves through clothing design and reuse on the television show Symesterskapet – Jenny Skavlan, Mari Norden, Ingrid Vik Lysne, and Ingrid Bergtun. Together, they have 600,000 followers on social media and use their platforms to engage in political matters so as to bring about a sustainable textile industry.  

The revolutionary thing about Fæbrik is that it promotes behavioural change by making its followers feel good by being part of a larger movement that reduces its clothing consumption, buys second-hand, and makes its own clothes. It combines Nordic craftsmanship and sewing with digital tools in order to scale up involvement.  

Fæbrik’s commitment has kick-started a revolution with followers in Norway and several other Nordic countries through turning textile reuse into something fun. Fæbrik also advises politicians on regulations related to textile use and waste management, and has succeeded in creating a sustainable business model through digital upscaling.