Working group on regulatory issues related to digitalisation - Nobareg

01.09.23 | Project
Nobareg contributes to national digitalisation efforts through an exchange of experiences and common approaches to implementation of relevant EU legislation.


01.04.2022 - 31.07.2024

The Working group on regulatory issues related to digitalisation – Nobareg – was established in 2022 to explore issues at the intersection between digitalisation and regulation in its realm, such as the Data Governance Act, Data Act and Artificial Intelligence Act.

Nobareg coordinates the development of well-informed positions ensuring a value-based approach and prepare for new roles and responsibilities for the Nordic-Baltic public sector. ​ Nobareg contributes to national digitalisation efforts through an exchange of experiences and common approaches to implementation of relevant EU legislation.

In addition, Nobareg cooperates on issues such as making future legislation digitalisation ready, and the group identifies and discusses possible common values in the Nordic-Baltics within digitalisation and regulation. ​

Nobareg is managed by the Norwegian Digitalisation agency.