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The People’s Festival 2023: Share your data on health apps?

16.06.23 | Tapahtuma
Nappy, Unsplash
To change the health focus from treatment to prevention will require a far higher degree of citizen involvement and willingness to share personal data. Digital health apps can be a big part of the solution.


09:30 - 10:15

A20 - Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd
Allinge, Bornholm

Debate meeting

We need to renew the Nordic welfare model in the health sector.

As things stand, there is too much focus on treatment and care and too little on prevention. Change will require a far higher degree of citizen involvement and proactiveness as well a willingness by individuals to share personal health data.

Are we prepared to do that?

If so, digital health apps can be a big part of the solution. Since 2019, Nordic Interoperability and Nordic Innovation have been working at Nordic level to harmonise the evaluation, distribution and activation of digital health apps in the Region. 


  • Clara Foged Andersen, Applied Ethical AI on Nordic Patient Records,

  • Helga Schultz, forperson - Yngre Lægers bestyrelse

  • Inge Kristensen, CEO, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed

  • Sarah Bekaan Allermann Hitz, Nordic Innovation/ Nordisk Ministerråd

  • Anders Tunold-Hanssen, The Nordic

Moderator: Niina Aagaard, Chief of Communications, Nordic Council of Ministers/Nordic Council