Energy & Climate Outlooks
9:30 - 10:00 Morning Talk with Jukka Uosukainen
Jukka Uosukainen, Director, CTCN
10:15 - 11:30 Upscaling Clean Energy from Fossil Fuel Subsidy Swaps
Event to showcase country efforts to shift subsidies from fossil fuels in order to scale up sustainable energy solutions and implement the Paris Agreement, including work from the Nordic Prime Ministers’ Initiative alongside partner countries and organisations.
International Institute for Sustainable Development Global Subsidies Initiative
13:15 - 14:30 Baltic-Nordic Solutions and Scenarios to Meet the Paris Targets
This event will look into the results of two different reports: Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios and Green To Scale – Countries, whom by two different approaches looks into how the Baltics could align the development of their energy systems to a well below a two-degree pathway.
Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Green to Scale
15:00 - 16:00 World Energy Outlook 2018
Exclusively at COP - comprehensive presentation of the World Energy Outlook 2018, including the new Sustainable Development Scenario. Keynote presented by IEA Director, Fatih Birol, followed by a panel discussion with a select group of ministers, including the Spanish Minister of Environment, Maria Ribera, and Icelandic Minister Gudmundur Ingi Gudbrandsson.
Nordic Energy Research and the International Energy Agency
16:15 - 16:45 Afternoon Brief and live podcast recording with Connie Hedegaard, Johan Rockström and Maciej Bukowski
Who are the Nordics to talk about sustainability?
Afternoon Brief and live podcast recording featuring
- Connie Hedegaard, former EU commissioner for Climate Action
- Johan Rockström, Professor, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
- Maciej Bukowski, President of Wise Europa Think Tank, MACIEJ BUKOWSKI
17:15 - 19:30 Innovation and Circularity for Transformative 1.5⁰C Solutions
An innovation competition within the infrastructure sector in co-creation with 29 organisations within industry, public agencies and academia. Presentation of results and new circular business models for a low carbon society. A unique collaboration method breaking silos. Mission Innovation presenting how the public sector can spur innovation for 1.5⁰C.
Speakers, amongst others:
- Lars Ronnås, Climate Ambassador of Sweden
- Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General DG Research and Innovation, EU Commission, Steering Committee Mission Innovation
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and others