Contact details for the border committees Mail Facebook Linkedin Twitter The websites of the 12 border committees are listed below, complete with contact details and relevant information on various matters concerning the border regions. Nordkalottrådet Greater Copenhagen and Skåne Committee Skärgårdssamarbetet Svinesundskommittéen ARKO Kvarkenrådet Bottenviksbågen Bothnian Arc MidtSkandia Värmland-Østfold Tornedalsrådet Fellesrådet for Trøndelag og Jämtland Härjedalen Contact information Lotta Landmark +45 27 10 94 43 ? How can we help you? Info Norden information service Free publications Apply for funding Nordic Council prizes Nordic Council prizes The Nordic Council Environment Prize The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize Nordic Council Literature Prize The Nordic Council Film Prize Nordic Council Music Prize Policy areas Nordic statistics Nordic Council Nordic Council of Ministers About the Nordic co-operation More Related content We must all be able to live, work and do business in every part of the Nordic Region Climate measures require blended funding New data on cross-border commuting The digital dream – healthcare at a distance Greater use of digital health- and welfare technology will improve welfare in sparsely populated areas. It will also provide a boost to the economy of local communities throughout the Nor... Ministers seek to strengthen Nordic co-operation on transport ❮❯
The digital dream – healthcare at a distance Greater use of digital health- and welfare technology will improve welfare in sparsely populated areas. It will also provide a boost to the economy of local communities throughout the Nor...