A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region - Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development 2013-2025
(superseded by the Nordic Council of Ministers' Action Plan for Vision 2030 on 1 January 2021)
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On 1 January 2021, A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region: Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development 2013-2025 was superseded by the Nordic Council of Ministers' Action Plan for Vision 2030. Going forwards, Vision 2030 serves as the Nordic framework for co-operation for the Nordic Council of Ministers' work with sustainable development.A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region – Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development is the overriding and cross-sectoral frame-work for the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers. All work carried out within the Council of Ministers will incorporate a sustainability perspective.The Nordic Council of Ministers will help the Nordic countries successively continue to improve welfare and quality of life for present and future generations, by protecting and using the earth’s ability to sustain life in all its diversity.The strategy provides long-term guidelines as far as 2025 in the following focusareas: the Nordic welfare model, viable ecosystems, changing climate, sustainable use of the earth’s resources, and education, research and innovation. The sectoral ministerial councils within the Nordic Council of Ministers will supplement the strategy with concrete measures.
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