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Fundur fólksins 2023: Sustainable food choices for health and the environment - an opportunity for the future

16.09.23 | Tapahtuma
RJM9281, Skyfish
We should eat more vegetables and less meat both for our health and for the climate. For the first time, the Nordic nutritional recommendations focus both on what food is good for health - and for the environment.


14:00 - 14:40

Fundur fólksins
Norræna húsið

Debate meeting

The Nordic nutritional recommendations are the result of five years of work, in which around 400 researchers from various academic fields participated. The report is one of the most widely read of those published as part of Nordic cooperation, and lays the foundation for national dietary guidelines in the Nordic countries and the Baltic states. Inga Þórsdóttir, professor of nutrition and one of the authors of the report, will present the recommendations and discuss how our diet can simultaneously contribute to a healthy body and a healthy environment.

Since the recommendations call for increased consumption of vegetables and grains, we will also highlight the domestic production of these food groups. As things currently stand, Icelandic farmers can grow about 43% of the vegetables and 1% of the grain consumed in the country. Michael Lyngkjær, a plant scientist at the Nordic Center for Genetic Resources (NordGen), will discuss the opportunities for increasing and diversifying vegetable and grain cultivation in Iceland.


  • Inga Þórsdóttir, professor of nutrition at the University of Iceland
  • Michael Lyngkjær, plant scientist at the Nordic Center for Genetic Resources (NordGen)
  • Emily Jaimes Richey-Stavrand, circular economy representative of the Young Environmentalists

Conference Chair:

  • Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir, professor of nutrition at the University of Iceland.