Arvamus Opinion Festival 2023
Resilience (Säiliv ja nõtke) stage
We have great plans – our vision is for the Nordic-Baltic region to be a green, competitive and socially sustainable one by 2030. Those plans are reflected in the discussions we are spearheading at this year’s Opinion Festival as we are concentrating on the topics of social and environmental resilience. The discussions will take place under the banner ‘Resilience’ on Friday, August 11.
Our events during Arvamusfestival 2023
Please not that all times are EET.
When looking for a new job we are often won over by keywords like flexible working hours, work-private life balance, a supportive team etc... but the reality turns out to be quite different than expected. Which factors in the work environment are essential for high productivity and is it even possible to create a happy working environment or are we all just stuck in a work life purgatory?
Are the companies with great and inspiring green slogans really striving towards a more sustainable future or is it just greenwashing, a marketing gimmick intended to mislead consumers who prefer to buy goods and services from environmentally conscious brands?