Unemployment benefit in Åland

Åländsk arbetslöshetserättning
Johannes Jansson
Here you can find information on how to apply for unemployment benefit, the conditions for unemployment benefit, as well as forms for applications related to unemployment benefit.

In Åland, AMS (Ålands arbetsmarknads- och studieservicemyndighet) is the authority responsible for unemployment benefit.

Unemployment benefit

You can easily find information on their excellent, easy-to-read webpage on how to apply for unemployment benefit, the amount of unemployment benefit, basic unemployment allowance and earnings-related unemployment allowance, labour market subsidy, maximum sickness allowance, my rights and responsibilities as an applicant, on the Federation of Unemployment Funds as well as direct links to various application forms.

Are you looking for a job in Åland on unemployment benefits from another Nordic country?

If you are getting unemployment benefits in another Nordic country, subject to certain conditions you can search for a job in Åland. You can read about the conditions and all about this on the page Job opportunities in Åland:

Information on unemployment benefits in the other Nordic countries

More information

Contact the authority

If you have questions about unemployment benefits in Åland, you can contact
the Åland Labour Market and Student Service Authority

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NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.

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