CSW: Ending economic gender-based violence
Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters New York, and online
New York ,
United States
Please note time is local time (NY time).
When individuals are economically reliant on abusive partners or an abusive family, finances become a tool for manipulation and control. Most often the victims of economic violence are women, whose freedom to spend their own money and make their own decisions is taken away. This financial power imbalance hinders many from breaking free from violent relationships or may force them back into the abuser’s grasp.
Discover insights, strategies, and real-world solutions to address this complex intersection, shaping a path towards a safer, gender-equal, and economically empowered future for all.
- Evika Siliņa, Prime Minister of Latvia
- Paulina Brandberg, Min. Gender Equality and Working Life, Sweden
- Anna Bjerde, Managing Director of Operations, World Bank
- Fatim Diarra, President of the Feminist Association Unioni and MP, Finland
- Iluta Lāce, Director, MARTA Centre, Latvia
- Kari Helene Partapuoli, National Director, Plan International Norway
- Lena Ag, Director General, Swedish Gender Equality Agency, Sweden
Moderator: Karen Elleman, Secretary General The Nordic Council of Ministers
The stream will be available here closer to the event.