Icelandic Language Instruction in Iceland

Íslenskukennsla á Íslandi
This section contains information for persons wishing to learn Icelandic in Iceland.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture provides grants to schools and course arrangers to offer instruction in Icelandic for foreign nationals. This means that the course fees are often lower than for courses of a similar nature. In addition, some trade unions provide grants for Icelandic study.

Various options are available to study Icelandic in Iceland for both beginners and persons further advanced. While most of the courses are offered in the capital area, instruction in Icelandic for foreign nationals is also available in many other locations. Online Icelandic instruction is also available, for instance, on the websites of: 


Numerous parties are involved in Icelandic education, including language schools, trade unions, adult education and lifelong learning centres and even some workplaces. The website of the Multicultural Information Centre has a list of many of the parties offering courses.

Icelandic studies at university level

Several institutions offer Icelandic studies for foreign nationals, including the University of Iceland, which offers a study programme leading to a BA degree. Other universities generally offer shorter study programmes or courses for exchange students or other foreign students.

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