Personal identity code in Finland

Henkilötunnus Suomessa
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Here you can find information on personal identity codes in Finland and when you can get a Finnish personal identity code.

The personal identity code is a means of identification that is more specific than a name. Personal identity codes are meant to be permanent, but in some cases you can get a Finnish personal identity code even if your stay in Finland is temporary. 

Getting a Finnish personal identity code does not affect personal identity codes issued by other countries. You use your Finnish identity code in Finland, and other countries’ identity codes in those countries.

How can you get a Finnish personal identity code?

If you move to Finland permanently, you get a Finnish personal identity code when you notify your permanent move in person at a Digital and Population Services Agency service location. You can find more information on how to register your move on the page Population registration in Finland.

In some cases you can get a Finnish personal identity code even if your stay in Finland is only temporary. However, the condition is that the Finnish authorities need the personal identity code , for example for tax purposes. Then you must register personally either at a Digital and Population Services Agency service location, a Tax Administration service point or when you apply for right of residence or a residence permit at the Finnish Immigration Service.

Read more on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency page Registration of a foreigner's personal data in the Population Information System You can find more information on personal identity codes issued by the Tax Administration on the Finnish Tax Administration’s website.

Personal identity code if your stay in Finland is temporary

In some cases you can get a Finnish personal identity code even if your stay in Finland is only temporary. The precondition for this, however, is that the Finnish authorities need a personal identity code, for example for taxation purposes. Then you must register personally either at a Digital and Population Services Agency service location, a Tax Administration service point or when you apply for right of residence or a residence permit at the Finnish Immigration Service.

Find out more about notifying a temporary move on the page Notifying a move and population registration in Finland. You can find more information on personal identity codes issued by the Tax Administration on the Finnish Tax Administration’s website.

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