Running a business in Sweden

Karin Beate Nøsterud/norden.or
Are you planning to start a business in Sweden? Here you can read about setting up a business and recruiting employees, and how you can conduct sales and trade when you want to start a business in Sweden.

In this article, we have compiled useful links for businesses that are considering setting up in Sweden, and information for Swedish businesses that are planning to set up operations in or trade with other Nordic countries.

At, you can find detailed information on how to set up and run a business, and recruit employees, in Sweden. Here, you can also find guidance on sales, trading with goods, and appointment of employees.

At the European portal, Your Europe, you can read more about the regulations about starting a business in another EU or EEA country.

The Enterprise Europe Network offers support and guidance on EU issues and the European market.

Start a business in Sweden

If you want to start a business in Sweden, the regulations vary, depending on whether you are an EU/EEA citizen or a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA. Contact for specific information.

If you want to start a business in Sweden, you must decide on the type of business enterprise and register your business with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) and the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

Choosing the type of business enterprise in Sweden

Before you start, you must choose the appropriate type of business enterprise. The most common type is to operate as a sole trader. This means that you as a private individual own, run, and are responsible for the business. You must pay tax and social insurance contributions (egenavgifter).

A sole trader does not need to register with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, but registration does protect your company name. If you do not register, others can register a company with the same name.

If you want to start a limited company, a trading partnership, a limited partnership, or economic association, you must register the enterprise with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

If you have a Swedish personal identity number, you can log in to using the Swedish electronic identification (e-identifikation).

If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, you must submit a form according to the type of business enterprise. You can find the relevant form using the links below.

Registering a business enterprise with the Swedish Tax Agency

All enterprises must register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). When you register, you can apply for F-tax approval (F-skatt), register for business VAT, and register as an employer.

If you have a Swedish personal identity number, you can log in to using the Swedish electronic identification (e-identifikation) and register for the e-services on the website.

If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, you must complete the Swedish Tax Agency company registration form (Företagsregistrering, SKV 4620) and submit the form to Skatteverkets inläsningscentral, FE 4600, 105 81 Stockholm.

Recruiting labour from other countries to Sweden

If you are an employer or are self-employed, you must comply with some special regulations if you employ someone from another country than Sweden.

Recruiting employees to Sweden from EU/EEA countries

If you an employer and are considering recruiting labour from another country, it is important that you first learn about the relevant regulations and legislation.

  • Proof of identity The employee must be able to show a valid passport or some other identity document showing their citizenship.
  • Employment contract/employment terms: You should prepare a written employment contract every time you appoint an employee. The employment contract must include information about, for example, type of employment, starting date, work tasks/position, salary, working hours, holidays, and applicable collective bargaining agreement. Employees from EU/EEA countries must be treated in the same way as Swedish employees, in accordance with the EU principle on equal treatment. This principle prohibits discrimination on the grounds of nationality in relation to employment, salary and other work and employment terms.
  • Labour market insurances According to the collective bargaining agreement, the employer must take out certain labour market insurances for the employee. You can find more information about insurance on the website of The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv).
  • Social insurance: EU/EEA citizens are entitled to social insurance benefits in the country in which they work and pay social insurance fees (socialförsäkringsavgift). This also applies if the employee lives in another EU/EEA country. Family members who do not work are also insured in the country in which the employee works. Social insurance applies from the first day of employment.
  • Tax regulations: The general rule in tax legislation is that the employee pays tax in the country in which they work. However, there are certain exceptions in the EU. The Swedish Tax Agency can give you more information.

Recruiting employees to Sweden from countries outside the EU/EEA

Citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA who want to work in Sweden must have a work permit. The work permit must be arranged and stamped in the passport before entry to Sweden. Contact the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) in Sweden for more information.

Useful links for employers

As employer in Sweden, it is important to be in contact with the Swedish Tax Agency, the Swedish Agency for Government Employers (Arbetsgivarverket), and the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) to ensure that you comply with the Swedish regulations. 

It can also be useful to contact the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt näringsliv), as they have detailed information about conditions for businesses in Sweden.

Contact agencies in Sweden

If you want to start a business enterprise in Sweden, you can get the information you need and guidance from various public agencies. You can get specific information on how to plan, start and run your enterprise, including your choice of type of business, name, drawing up a business plan, and registering the business.

Swedish Tax Agency

If you are already running a business and have questions about VAT, annual reports, accounting, or employment, the Swedish Tax Agency can help you. You can also find specific information about foreign companies conducting business in Sweden. 

If you are self-employed, you must keep business accounts (bokföring) and prepare annual income statements (bokslut). is a collaborative service involving several Swedish public agencies. The service can provide you with information about choosing company type, drawing up a business plan, and registering your business. You can also create your own checklist to find out what you need to do to start your business, and obtain information that is specific to your own situation.

If you are a foreign citizen and want to start your own business in Sweden, the rules that apply vary, depending on whether you are an EU/EEA citizen or a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA. You can find more information about this in Verksamt’s Guide for Foreign Citizens.

Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket)

The Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) registers companies and changes in companies, and receives annual reports. You can also search for and buy company information from its database.

Insurances in Sweden

When you start a business, it is important to check what insurance you will need for yourself, your business, and any employees. It is a good idea to contact several insurance companies and compare their offers before making a decision.

The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) can provide you with information about social insurance for you and your employees.

Permits in Sweden

It is important to find out whether your business requires a permit, registration or some other form of notification to relevant public agencies, municipalities, or other organisations.

Authorisation and supervisory authorities may be local, regional or national, such as municipalities, county administrative boards and police authorities, or the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen) and the Swedish National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket).

Swedish businesses in the Nordic region

Swedish businesses that wish to set up in or trade with other countries can obtain help from several public agencies and information services.

Business Sweden

Business Sweden offers services in all phases of a company’s internationalisation.

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network provides free assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, helping them to find international business partners, understand EU directives, and source EU funding.

Swedish National Export Credits Guarantee Board

The Swedish National Export Credits Guarantee Board (Exportkreditnämnden) aims to promote Swedish exports and the internationalisation of Swedish companies.

National Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium)

The National Board of Trade Sweden (Kommerskollegium) acts as an ombudsman and a Solvit Centre for companies that encounter trade barriers in their foreign affairs.

Swedish Patent and Registration Office (Patent- och registreringsverket)

The Swedish Patent and Registration Office can answer questions about patents, trademarks, design and copyright.

Swedish Tax Agency

The Swedish Tax Agency answers questions about taxation, VAT, and customs duties on imports and exports.

Swedish Customs (Tullverket)

The Swedish Customs Service provides information about applicable regulations when you import and export goods to or from Sweden. is a collaborative service for businesses, involving several Swedish public agencies.

Grensetjänsten Norge-Sverige

The Border Service Norway-Sweden (Grensetjänsten Norge-Sverige) is an information service that can provide guidance to Swedish businesses conducting activities in Norway.


Øresunddirektbusiness gives you practical information when you want to recruit, set up a business enterprise, or conduct business activity across the Öresund Sound.

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NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.

Info Norden is the information service of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Here you can find info and tips if you wish to move, work, study, seek support or start a business in the Nordic region.