Broadcasts from Choosing Green
Watch all previously broadcasted events from Choosing Green, a digital summit in the lead up to COP26, that took place on the 17 of November.
The events are divided into three themes:
Previous broadcasts
A green Nordic Region - how far have we come?
10:00 AM GMT+1, 17 of November:
- 10.00 AM GMT+1: Giants or Lilliputians: Are the Nordics (still) climate front runners?
- 11.00 AM GMT+1: How to punch above your weight-pushing the agenda
The green transition – consequences for Nordic jobs and skills?
1:00 PM GMT+1, 17 of November:
- 1.00 PM GMT+1: Surviving the pandemic: Which sectors will thrive and who will suffer?
- 2.00 PM GMT+1; Skills for sustainable development: A Nordic approach to the green future
Brave sustainable world - the Nordic model under pressure?
4.00 PM GMT+1, 17 of November:
- 4.00 PM GMT+1 - Green transition victims: How to leave no one behind?
- 5.00 PM GMT+1 - Nordic Welfare State: Green, inclusive and great?