Stockholm Saxophone Quartet

The Stockholm Saxophone Quartet has had the longest career of all this year's candidates. The ensemble was formed way back in 1969, and although there have of course been replacements in the course of time, the quartet has still been typified by great stability, since it has now had the same members for over twenty years: Sven Westerberg, Jörgen Petterson, Leif Karlborg and Per Hedlund.

This long-lasting collaboration of four so experienced musicians results in a dense, homogeneous sound and very precise ensemble plating.

The central element of the saxophone quartet's work is contemporary art music, which it attacks from various angles.

The group co-operates closely with many composers, both from Sweden and abroad, and around 300 works have been written especially for them.

Their repertoire ranges widely – in much of their music they try to stretch the framework of the traditional saxophone quartet – and regardless of genre their playing is of a very high standard and gives innumerable listeners great pleasure.

The members of the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet travel widely and appear at many festivals all over the world. Besides performances in many European countries the ensemble has played in Japan, Egypt, Israel, the USA, South Africa and Mongolia.

And of course they take Nordic music with them on their travels; but they also bring inspiration and works home with them, and in this way they have forged a wealth of contacts with composers in and outside the Nordic countries.

The ensemble also collaborates widely with artists from other fields – dancers, choreographers, writers and performance artists.

The dissemination of contemporary music to a wider public is a crucial goal for the ensemble, so educational activities – master classes and the like – are central to their work.

The Stockholm Saxophone Quartet has recorded a succession of CDs, and they have been awarded several important Swedish music prizes for their contributions.