Sustainable living in the Nordic Region

11.11.21 | Project
Bæredygtig livsstil i Norden
Sustainable living is a programme with six projects that will make it easier to live in a climate-friendly way in the Nordic Region.

The programme is a cross-sectoral Nordic collaboration between the Nordic councils of ministers for gender equality and LGBTI (MR-JÄM), environment and climate (MR-MK), fisheries, aquaculture, agriculture, food and forestry (MR-FJLS), education and research (MR-U), culture (MR-K), and Nordic co-operation (MR-SAM), as well as NORDBUK and the expert group for sustainable development. The purpose of the programme is to help make it easier to live sustainably in the Nordic Region, make sustainable living choices, and to accelerate the normalisation of a sustainable living.


The programme consists of six projects which look at our lifestyle challenges through a unique combination of perspectives and disciplines, across education, gender equality, nutrition, communication, and culture. The expectation is that there’s great potential for creating synergies between various professional groups.


The programme is expected to explore what a sustainable Nordic lifestyle entails, create concrete guidelines for policy development, and have public impact through information, inspiration, and demonstration of necessary behavioural and cultural changes.

The Nordic countries are often considered to be best-in-class when it comes to sustainable societies. Although we get a lot of things right, big tasks lie ahead. Massive private consumption in the Nordic Region is a challenge for our climate goals. That’s why choosing sustainable solutions must be made easier for citizens in the Nordic Region.

Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Paula Lehtomäki

The programme was launched on Friday 12 November 2021 at the Nordic COP26 hub in Helsinki. In a lively debate, the programme’s six project managers made mention of its motives and discussed their expectations for the programme’s results. See the full debate below.

Det nordiske samarbejde ønsker, at det skal være nemmere for borgerne i Norden at træffe bæredygtige valg i hverdagen.