Customs Rules in Iceland

Tollareglur á Íslandi
The following rules apply to the import of goods and household effects to Iceland.


Import of household effects

To be entitled to an exemption from customs duties, the person moving to Iceland must have lived abroad for at least twelve months. The household goods must be used and have been owned by the person in question for at least one year. In addition, no more than six months may pass from the time an individual moves until the household effects are transported to the country.

When authorising the import of household effects, customs officials may require the person who imports them to demonstrate that the conditions for duty-free entry are satisfied. This could mean, for instance, requiring proof of residence abroad for the required period; a certificate showing this can be obtained from Registers Iceland. Similarly, a certificate from the person's school institution or workplace abroad is sometimes requested.

Goods subject to special import conditions

You should bear in mind that certain things are subject to special import restrictions, e.g. import of firearms is subject to a permit from a chief of police, and special rules apply to the import of animals and vehicles.


No more than 30 days are to elapse between the arrival of the person moving to Iceland and the vehicle he/she intends to import.  The Directorate of Customs then grants a temporary registration for one month, during which the owner must register the car with the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Persons who intend to stay in Iceland for a year or less, for work or travel, are allowed to import a car registered abroad without paying import duties if certain conditions are met.

The Icelandic Transport Authority issues Icelandic licence plates. The Directorate of Customs calculates other fees that have to be paid for the vehicle. All further information is available on the website of the Directorate of Customs and on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority.


Animal products of any kind generally must be boiled or canned for import to Iceland. Smoking, salting or drying without boiling is not sufficient. For example, import of bacon, hot dogs, salami and any type of smoked, uncooked sausages, pork loin, poultry, unpasteurised milk and uncooked eggs are not allowed. 

Further information is available on the website of the Directorate of Customs.

Alcohol and tobacco 

Travellers may import a limited amount of alcohol and tobacco duty-free. Information on these limits can be found on the website of the Directorate of Customs. Note that the minimum age for importing alcohol is 20 years and 18 years for importing tobacco. 

Further information is available on the website of the Directorate of Customs.


Medicines for personal use may be carried in quantities equivalent to the expected use for a maximum of 100 days by the person in question, provided it is clear what that quantity is. Further information is available on the website of the Directorate of Customs.. 


The import of weapons is subject to permission from a chief of police.


The import of flowers and other plants generally requires a health certificate from a public body that monitors plant diseases land where they were grown, in addition to which a permit from the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority is required.


Further information

Further information is available on the website of the Directorate of Customs or by phone +354 4421000

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