Insurance in Åland

Försäkring Åland
Here you can find information on insurance services in Åland. In this section you can find the insurance companies and banks that sell insurance and have offices you can visit in Åland.

It is advisable to think about what types of insurance you and your family need and if possible contact a number of insurance companies to make a comparison. You can find out about the general rules in the section Insurance in Finland. It will also tell you more about more about statutory and voluntary insurance and the different conditions that apply if you live in Finland/Åland permanently or temporarily.

Insurance in Åland

The following insurance companies operate and have offices you can visit in Åland. You can find their contact details in the links.

Insurance through banks in Åland

The following banks have offices you can visit in Åland and offer insurance services.

More information

Here you can read about private insurance in Sweden and Denmark and what conditions apply in these countries.

Contact the authority

If you need consumer advice, you can contact the Office of the Åland Ombudsman.

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NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.

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