Private insurance cover in Sweden
There is always a risk that you could lose your possessions in an accident, or that you or someone else incurs an injury. Many people therefore take out insurance to give themselves basic security in everyday life.
Insurance premiums vary depending on the type of insurance you need and how much the insurance is to cover. You should decide what risks you are prepared to take, and compare the cost of the insurance premium with the costs you are at risk of incurring if your property gets lost or damaged.
What types of insurance are there in Sweden?
The following is an overview of different types of private insurance in Sweden.
General insurance types
- Car insurance (bilförsäkring) You must have car insurance if you have a car in Sweden. This is the only insurance in Sweden that you must have by law.
- Home insurance (hemförsäkring) Home insurance covers your belongings in your home. In most cases, home insurance also includes travel insurance and liability insurance. You need home insurance, regardless of whether you live in a rented house or apartment or your own house.
- Property insurance (bostadsrätts-/villaförsäkring) If you own your home, you should take out extra insurance to cover any damage to the property.
Recommended insurance types
- Health and accident insurance (sjuk- och olycksfallförsäkring) By taking out an extra health and accident insurance, you may receive financial compensation if you suffer a serious illness or injury that becomes permanent.
- Child insurance (barnförsäkring) People who work are covered by a number of different social insurance types, but this does not apply to children. You can therefore take out insurance that covers the child if they are injured in an accident or become ill.
- Student insurance (studentförsäkring) When you move from home, or choose to study abroad, you need your own insurance. As a student, it can be relevant for you to have home insurance, travel insurance, and accident insurance. You and your belongings are then covered in the event of an accident.
Other insurance types
- Pet insurance (djurförsäkring) If you have a pet, you should take out a pet insurance.
- Dental insurance (tandläkarförsäkring) This is not insurance as such, but paying a fixed amount per month gives you access to regular dental care, including checkups and emergency treatment.
- Life insurance (livsforsäkring) Life insurance can secure the family financially if the insured person dies.
- Private pension insurance (privat pensionsförsäkring) A private pension insurance is a separate savings scheme towards your pension, which is combined with an insurance.
What types of insurance are the most important?
Everyone needs to be insured. By having insurance, you are financially protected in the event of an accident. It is your life situation and what you own that determines which insurance types you need.
The Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau (Konsumenternas) has compiled a list of relevant Swedish insurance types.
Which insurance is best and cheapest in Sweden?
On the website of the Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau you can compare the Swedish insurance types offered by insurance companies and find the ones that suit you best.
You also find relevant checklists and guides at the Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau that will help you when you want to buy insurance. By using these guides you can find the insurance company that is best for you and your needs.
Find an insurance company
You can find information about Swedish insurance companies on the website of Swedish Consumers’ Insurance Bureau.
You may choose the country in which you want to buy your private insurances, as insurance companies may sell their products in other countries. They do this either by establishing themselves in the country or by offering cross-border services. This applies to private insurance types such as car insurance, home insurance and life insurance.
If you are planning to travel abroad for a short or long period, you should check that your insurance is valid.
When buying insurance, you should consider what you and your family need in terms of insurance cover, and then contact several different insurance companies.
Young people and insurance in Sweden
When you move from home, it is important to take out your own home insurance policy (hemförsäkring), regardless of whether you are moving to rented accommodation, a room in someone else’s flat or house, or a student hall of residence, or you are buying a property. You are no longer covered by your parents’ insurance when you have moved.
Insurance protects more than just your property - it can also comprise travel insurance, legal aid, liability insurance, and insurance in the event of assault. Insurance also helps you if you cannot live in your accommodation after, for example, a fire or water damage.
It is therefore a good idea to review your insurances in relation to your needs when you move from home.
Insurance during temporary stays in Sweden
General travel insurance policies usually only apply to tourists, and do not typically cover damage in conjunction with studies, work, or internships.
If you are planning to travel to Sweden to study, work or take up an internship for a short period, you should therefore take out a specific travel insurance in good time before you set off. Once you have left your home country, it can be difficult to take out insurance.
A travel insurance can cover, for example, legal aid, liability, and protection in the event of assault. It can also cover expenses for emergency medical care in the event of sudden illness or accident, expenses for home transport after an accident or illness, or expenses for a relative’s journey to you if you suffer a life threatening injury or illness.
The compensation that can be paid varies between different insurance policies, and the amount that can be paid to compensate for the property you take with you on the journey. Check with several insurance companies to find the insurance that is best suited to your needs.
More information
Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau can help you if you need more information about insurance types in Sweden.
Please fill in our contact form if you have any questions or if you have encountered an obstacle in another Nordic country.
NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.