

    13:30 - 13:35
    1. Opening of the Session
    • Approval of delegates
    • Approval of the agenda
    • Standing Orders for the Session, Document 2a/2018
    13:35 - 15:00
    2. Topical debate
    • Nordic Council of Ministers' briefing to the Nordic Council on the progress made by the Nordic countries towards achieving to the UN global sustainability goal no. 14, Document 5/2018
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on reducing emissions from shipping in the Nordic Region, A 1749/sustainability
    15:00 - 15:30
    3. Council of Ministers’ proposals
    • Recommendation on the Council of Ministers’ proposal on the Action Plan for Nordic Co-operation on Disability 2018–2022, B 323/welfare
    • Recommendation on the Council of Ministers' proposal for gradual phasing out of direct funding of Nordic bodies, B 321/cultureNew proposal/motion
    15:30 - 17:55
    4. Member’s proposals
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on Global Deal, A 1715/growth Reservation
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on union organisation, A 1727/growth
    • Committee proposal on Nordic transport policy, A 1755/growth
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on closer Nordic co-operation in North America, A 1718/presidium Reservation
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal to extend co-operation on defence between reservists and volunteers in the Nordic countries, A 1719/presidium, New proposal/motion
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on Nordic influence and co-operation with the G20, A 1726/presidiumNew proposal/motion
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on Nordic defence, crisis and supply planning, A 1746/presidium
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on global nuclear disarmament, A 1750/presidium
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on harmonisation of legislation concerning LGBTI people in the Nordic Region, A 1748/welfareReservation 1, Reservation 2
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal on funding for students in danger, A 1712/culture
    • Recommendation on the member's proposal for an Arctic indigenous peoples’ film fund (Stories from the Ice), A 1739/kultur
    • Finalisation and adoption of recommendations, statements and internal resolutions, Document 3/2018
    17:55 - 18:25
    5. New members’ proposals
    • Member’s proposal on Nordic energy co-operation, security of supply and contingency planning (submitted by the Centre Group), A 1761/presidium
    • Member's proposal on a recycling strategy (submitted by the Social Democratic Group), A 1758/sustainability
    • Member's proposal on the establishment of a Nordic labelling scheme for Halal and Kosher meat production (submitted by the Nordic Freedom Group), A 1762/sustainability
    • Delegation proposal on marine acidification (submitted by the Icelandic delegation), A 1763/sustainability
    • Member's proposal on the establishment of a Nordic PhD program (submitted by the Centre Group), A 1760/culture
    • Member's proposal on a joint portal and standards for marine environmental data (submitted by the Social Democratic Group), A 1759/sustainability
    18:25 - 18:30
    6. Closing of the Session