Grading scales in Åland

Johannes Jansson/
Here you can find information on the grading scales used in Åland.

Åland has comprehensive schools in every municipality. The Ålands gymnasium authority comprises Åland upper secondary school and Åland vocational high school. There are several programmes at Åland University of Applied Sciences, but no university education.

Grading scale for basic education in Åland

Pupils in years 1-2 are given a verbal assessment. From year 3 pupils get grades in all subjects. Grades are on a scale from 4 to 10, with 10 being excellent, 9 very good, , 8 good, 7 satisfactory, 6 moderate, 5 adequate and 4 fail. 

Grading scale for education at upper secondary school level in Åland

In the theoretical upper secondary school, Åland upper secondary school, the grading scale 4 - 10 is used, of which 10 – 5 are pass grades and 4 is fail. The matriculation examination in Åland is assessed with the grades L,E,M,C,B,A,I, of which I is fail.

Åland vocational high school uses a grading scale in three steps, 1–5, where 5 is very good, 4 and 3 are good, 2 and 1 are satisfactory.

Åland University of Applied Sciences

Universities and higher education institutions in Finland and Åland University of Applied Sciences use
the grading scale 5–0, of which 5–1 are pass grades and 0 fail.

Conversion of Nordic grades to Åland grades

If you apply for education in Åland with a Nordic school certificate you do not need to convert your Nordic certificates yourself to the Åland equivalent. 

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