Grading scales in the Swedish educational system
Grades at secondary and upper secondary level.
In Sweden, teachers set grades on the basis of a pupil’s knowledge and skills in relation to the grades criteria at the end of a term (termin) and when a subject is concluded.
Grades at secondary and upper secondary level in Sweden
In all Swedish education, from secondary to upper secondary school, a six-point grading system is used, A-F. The five grades A-E are approved (pass) grades, and F means the results are not approved (non-pass).
However, at upper secondary school for pupils with severe learning disabilities (gymnasiesärskolan), only the five pass grades are used (A-E).
Each grade is given a numerical value. Grade E has a value of 10, and the value of each grade over E increases by 2.5, so the highest possible value for a grade is 20. Results that are not approved are given the grade F, which has a value of 0.
- A – 20
- B – 17.5
- C – 15
- D – 12.5
- E – 10
- F – 0
Students in secondary schools are given grades for the first time at the end of the autumn term (höstterminen) in Year 6. The student is then given a new grade every term until the spring term (vårterminen) in Year 9, when the final grades are set. The student applies to upper secondary school on the basis of their final grades.
At upper secondary school, the students are given grades at the end of every course and for a diploma project (gymnasiearbete) The diploma project is an assignment of 100 upper secondary credits. At the end of upper secondary school, the student receives an upper secondary diploma if they have satisfied the requirements, or a study certificate.
You can read more about the regulations regarding the Swedish grading scale on the website of the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket).
Grades at university level in Sweden
The grading scales for higher education vary, as universities and university colleges (högskolor) in Sweden themselves decide what grading system to use. The most common grading system is a three-point scale: pass with distinction (väl godkänt), pass (godkänt) and fail (underkänt). However, other scales are also used, and a higher education establishment may choose to use several different grading systems.
Within the EU, a grading system has been developed called ECTS, European Credit Transfer System, to make it easier to compare students’ grades from the different countries. Certain universities and university colleges in Sweden have introduced a seven-point grading system, which is comparable with that used in the ECTS.
Contact the higher education establishment in Sweden to which you want to apply to find out which grading scale is used on the programme you are interested in.
Conversion of grades from other countries to Swedish grades
You can find information about recognition of foreign education on the website of the Swedish Council for Higher Education.
You can read more about converting your grades from an educational programme in another Nordic country to Swedish grades on the website of University Admissions (
Please fill in our contact form if you have any questions or if you have encountered an obstacle in another Nordic country.
NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.