About the Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health (NKE)
The new Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019–2024 outlines two main priorities for NKE: studying the composition and risks of chemicals and international co-operation.
NKE covers a wide area and co-operation on chemicals is a big challenge. Over the years, the Group has built and expanded networks of experts (sub-groups) from national agencies in the Nordic countries. It is has also set up sub-groups (project groups) as per the targets set for the various areas. Nordic co-operation has often taken the form of exerting influence on EU regulations but also covers other aspects of international work, e.g. conventions, the Arctic environment, test methods and OECD work on chemicals, which also forms the foundations for EU regulation. In this way, the group helps minimise the risk of exposure to chemicals in products and of damage to the environment and human health.