Mandate for the Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity (NBM)
1. Objectives
The overall objectives of the Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity (NBM) are to help stem the loss of biodiversity, curb the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats and cultural environments and promote the sustainable use of natural habitats and cultural environments.
The NBM will also engage in work to enhance knowledge of the impact of climate change and of opportunities for climate adaptation; work to restore ecosystems, achieve the Aichi targets and develop a post-2020 global framework to integrate into Agenda 2030. It will also help generate knowledge about ecosystem services, including about natural habitats and cultural environments as a basis for outdoor recreation; contribute to co-operation and exchanges of experiences about the quality of nature and its services and help achieve the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030.
2. Tasks
The Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity will help implement the Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019–2024. It will have particular responsibility for the goals and priorities in Chapter 5 on biological diversity. The group will also provide support to other sectors and co-operation programmes where relevant and covered by the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for the Environment and Climate (EK-MK).
The group will work on issues that are topical, relevant and political priorities.
Its project work must comply with the Nordic Council of Ministers' guidelines and objectives.
The NBM will contribute to international development in its field/area of responsibility at regional, EU and global level.
3. Co-operation with other working groups and sectors
The Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity will give special priority to seeking synergies and coordinating with other working groups in the environment and climate sector.
The group will engage in inter-sectoral work to integrate environmental and climate considerations into other sectors and where it is possible to achieve strategic synergies. It will also co-operate with researchers, trade and industry and civil society.
4. Composition
The Nordic countries will appoint the members of the Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity. The members will represent national points of view and ensure national support for the group's work. The Nordic Council of Ministers will participate regularly in the working group's meetings as an observer.
The chair will rotate between the countries. The chairperson will be elected for two years with the option of an extension for a further two years. The chairperson, coordinators and working group members have individual roles and responsibilities. The group can set up sub-groups subject to prior approval by EK-MK.
5. Secretariat
The Secretariat function will be provided by a national agency in one of the Nordic countries, which will act as the administrative body. The group will have at least one permanent coordinator. The administrative body may opt to share the work among several employees.
6. Information and communication
The group will work on the basis of the Nordic Council of Ministers' communication strategy and section 7.5 of the programme for co-operation. All NBM projects must have clear communication plans and target groups, which must be defined during the project-development phase.
All project results must be publicised via targeted communications using the most appropriate communication strategies and media. Where appropriate, the reports will be published in English.
7. Reporting and budget
The NBM will draw up annual work programmes, including budgets for project activities and secretariat costs. It will submit an annual report including accounts for the previous year's project work and secretariat activities.
In both the work programmes and the annual reports, the group must account for co-operation with the sector’s other working groups and the added value this work represents.
The activities of any subgroups must also be included in the work programme and annual reports.
The work programme and annual reports must be approved by EK-MK.
The working groups’ project budgets will be paid in stages as per the Nordic Council of Ministers' guidelines.
The cost for members' work and participation in working group meetings will be covered by the countries.
8. Validity
This mandate is valid from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2024.
This mandate has been approved by EK-MK. EK-MK is entitled to amend the mandate during this period. The working group has the right to propose amendments to the mandate to EK-MK.