Debate starts about action plan 2025–2030 for Our Vision
The starting gun has been fired for wide-ranging Nordic involvement and debate with ministers, MPs, civil society and other stakeholders to come up with proposals for the Council of Ministers’ new action plan for 2025–2030.
“A wide-ranging Nordic debate on how to achieve Our Vision is really important, and it has been a pleasure to launch this work at the Nordic Council Theme Session. I would like to thank the members of the Nordic Council for all of their tangible suggestions to the Council of Ministers. We will include them in our thinking about the vision,” says Karen Elleman, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Many tangible suggestions
The party groups and committees of the Nordic Council provided a range of input into the debate based on the three strategic priorities: a green, competitive and sustainable Nordic Region.
One proposal supported by several of the committees was the need for a Nordic Council of Ministers for Transport, something the Nordic Council has been calling for since 2018. Several contributions also called for the continuation and stepping up of work to promote cross-border freedom of movement in the Nordic Region. Several speakers also raised the issues of gender equality and support for vulnerable groups, such as young people with mental health problems.
“The Nordic Council greatly appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the new action plan at such an early stage. We look forward to working closely with the Council of Ministers to develop an action plan that brings us closer to our vision of being the most sustainable and integrated region in the world,” says the President of the Nordic Council, Jorodd Asphjell.
The Nordic Council will provide written input into the work on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ action plan in September, after which work on the vision will continue and be discussed at the 2024 Session of the Nordic Council.