LIVE: The view from the outside - Where should the Nordic countries find inspiration to improve moving forward

24.09.20 | Event
Live streamed Nordic Talk.


03:00 PM - 04:30 PM



As we celebrate the five-year anniversary of the SDGs it is also a good moment to reflect upon how we actually work with them, what dilemmas we have faced and how the SDGs can be an effective driver for change. At this event we will look at concrete examples of innovation based on the SDGs, how both companies and non-profits can make difference and how international relations have been affected. We will hear from leaders and thinkers who, despite working in different areas, have utilized the SDGs to drive sustainable development forward. We aim to inspire but want to retain a critical perspective.

Speakers also include founders and CEOs of: Develop Diverse, Plant Jammer and Global Goals World Cup. Also, Kristian Friis Bach and Ambassadors from Norway, Finland, and India. There will be opportunity for the audience to engage with the speakers.

Together with the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Think Tank Monday, Altinget and Global Compact Network Denmark are hosting the “Nordic Talk. Nordic Talk is a concept developed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and is dedicated to addressing the SDG challenges through inspirational podcasts and events.