Rehabilitation in Finland

Kuntoutus Suomessa
If your working capacity is impaired due to illness, a defect or disability, you may need rehabilitation. Here you will find information on rehabilitation in Finland. The rules also apply to Åland.

Rehabilitation helps you to live with an illness, to continue in work or to return to working life. It is always the preferred option if you have problems with your working capacity.

Rehabilitation provided by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) includes vocational rehabilitation, intensive medical rehabilitation, rehabilitative psychotherapy and discretionary rehabilitation. Kela also provides vocational rehabilitation for young persons aged 16-29 that is not conditional on illness. Kela may pay rehabilitation allowance for the period of your participation in rehabilitation provided by occupational healthcare, your municipality or Kela. 

Apart from Kela, rehabilitation is organised by for example public healthcare, occupational health care, municipal social services and associations.

Vocational rehabilitation is also organised by earnings-related pension providers. Pension providers always check in connection with disability applications whether the applicant is entitled to rehabilitation. Ask the organisation caring for you which rehabilitation provider you can apply to.

If you have had an accident, for example an accident at work or a traffic accident, or you have an occupational illness, your insurer will generally provide vocational rehabilitation.

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