Nordic discussions on sustainable consumption and production in New York

05.07.18 | News
Nordiska ungdomsdelegater med på HLPF 2018 i New York
How has the Nordic Region used challenges relating to sustainable consumption and production to develop policy solutions that support the global sustainable development goals? During the UN High-Level Political Forum in New York, the Nordic countries will host a debate on the co-development of solutions for more sustainable lifestyles.

Each year the HLPF looks at global progress in relation to Agenda 2030 and the 17 global sustainable development goals. This time, the Nordic countries will join forces in two events on sustainable consumption and production with an emphasis on sustainable urban solutions, the power of change in sustainable food systems, and the role of young people in this change. By bringing together leading international participants and visionaries, the emphasis will be on how responsible consumption and production can be achieved with only 12 years remaining until 2030.

On 13 July, the event Generation 2030 – the Nordic Region accepting the challenges of SDG12 will look at Nordic and international policy solutions for achieving sustainable development goal number 12, which is closely linked to goal 11 regarding sustainable cities in that it is essential that cities are involved in efforts to bring about sustainable consumption and production. At the event, the Nordic Council of Ministers will launch its status report on the Nordic countries’ efforts relating to SDG12. The circular economy and the role of young people are at the heart of this event, which is part of the forum’s official events calendar.

On 16 July attention will shift to the future of sustainable food and consumer-focused food policies that have the potential to change behaviours. World-famous chefs, representatives from the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Nordic ministers and government representatives will come together over dinner to discuss what ingredients the Nordic Region has to offer with regard to sustainable food production.

The theme of this year’s High-Level Political Forum is the transition to sustainable and resilient societies. Lead by Sweden, who holds the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers this year, the Nordic governments are co-hosting two events during the forum. Follow the Nordic presence at HLPF 2018 using the hashtags #Generation2030 and #NordicSolutions.