Language Policy is available in six languages but not all of the contents are translated into all languages. The majority of the contents are available in at least one of the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian or Swedish) and much of it is translated into Finnish, Icelandic and English. It may happen that some content is only available in one of the non-Scandinavian languages.
As a user of you can choose your preferred language by using the language menu on the far left of the page. Content which is not translated into your chosen language will not be hidden from you, but shown in another language. The language shown will depend both on which language you have chosen and in which language(s) the content is available.
Swedish (Chosen Language): Norwegian (1st alternative), Danish (2nd alternative), English (3rd alternative)
Danish (Chosen Language): Norwegian (1st alternative), Swedish (2nd alternative), English (3rd alternative)
Norwegian (Chosen Language): Danish (1st alternative), Swedish (2nd alternative), English (3rd alternative)
Finnish (Chosen Language): Swedish (1st alternative), Norwegian (2nd alternative), Danish (3rd alternative), English (4th alternative)
Icelandic (Chosen Language): Danish (1st alternative), Norwegian (2nd alternative), Swedish (3rd alternative), English (4th alternative)
English (Chosen Language): Swedish (1st alternative), Danish (2nd alternative), Norwegian (3rd alternative)