Housing allowance in Norway

Bostøtte i Norge
Here you can read about whether you may be eligible for housing allowance in Norway.

In Norway, you normally have to finance housing yourself. However, if you have low income and high living expenses, you may be eligible for housing allowance under certain circumstances.

What is housing allowance?

Housing allowance is a state financial support scheme administered by the Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken) and municipalities. Housing allowance is to help people with low incomes and high living expenses to establish themselves, or live in, secure housing of a good standard.

Are you entitled to housing allowance?

For entitlement to housing allowance, you must meet a number of criteria; for example, you must be over 18, you must not be doing your initial national service (førstegangstjeneste) and you must not be a student. However, for the latter, there are some exceptions.

The dwelling for which you are applying for housing allowance must be a separate property with its own entrance and with its own bathroom/toilet. It must have kitchen and sleeping/resting facilities.

You are not entitled to housing allowance if your income exceeds an upper income limit. This applies irrespective of how high your living expenses are. The gross monthly income of everyone in the household over 18 is included in the calculation. 

How do you apply?

You can apply for housing allowance electronically via the Housing Bank website. You must have electronic ID. If you cannot apply electronically, you must complete a paper application form, print it out and send it to the municipality (in Oslo to the city district). You cannot send this form by email.  The housing allowance office is generally at the housing office, the social security office or the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) office in the municipality. 

Who should you contact if you have questions?

Contact the Housing Bank if you have questions about housing allowance in Norway.

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