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Nordic Scaled Up Mitigation Initiative, 02.11. 2010

02.11.10 | Yfirlýsing
Statement by Nordic Ministers for the environment


Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Nordic governments want to be at the forefront of effective climate mitigation action. Whereas their combined emissions are small, effective contributions have been taken to lead when it comes to pushing for progress and effective measures such as flexible mechanisms.
  • NEFCO has been a central instrument for concrete action for mitigation actions while the Nordic Council of Ministers serves as a common platform for facilitation of progress in international climate negotiations in relation to the improvement of existing mechanisms and development of new market mechanisms in developing countries.
  • In order to speed up the current process and in accordance with the Bali Action Plan and the Copenhagen Accord, the Nordic countries launch a joint initiative to pave the way for cost-efficient and effective implementation of scaled up nationally appropriate  mitigating actions.
  • The first step is a feasibility study on an ambitious and additional scaled up mitigation programme in cooperation with a representative developing country. Our initiative will be presented at COP 16 in Cancun and it is our ambition that a pilot programme will take off next year. The intention is to provide early action on the ground and, by way of example, to foster progress in climate negotiations.
  • The support to be delivered in the initiative can be part of the fast start finance of the Nordic countries.
  • It is the hope of the Nordic ministers that this initiative and its results will  serve as a useful input to a learning by doing process and as encouragement to others to take similar action.