Out now: Nordic food-policy guide in Spanish

01.02.19 | News
A Latin American buffet
Great stock! / Stockfood
The Solutions Menu brought the most innovative food policy solutions in the Nordic Region together for the first time when it was launched in June 2018. Now, just a few months later, a Spanish edition is being presented in Costa Rica at the 2nd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme.

International interest in Nordic know-how on how citizen-driven policies can act as a catalyst for the transformation of food systems has grown remarkably over the last year. The well-received Solutions Menu presents 24 policy examples that demonstrate how a shift towards more sustainable food consumption is possible and highlights the secret ingredients that can make it happen.

Demand for Spanish-language material

The Spanish version has been produced to meet the growing demand for new food-policy solutions particularly from Latin American countries but also from international organisations and UN agencies seeking material to use in their dialogues with policymakers in the region.

Latin America and the Caribbean produce enough food to meet the needs of their populations, but this does not automatically guarantee healthy and nutritious diets. There is a need for sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems to provide dietary diversity and safe foods  with good nutritional quality,  helping put an end to hunger and all forms of malnutrition.

After five years of steady improvement, 42.5 million people in Latin America are now report to lack enough food to meet their required daily calorie intake. The region is also faced with the double burden of malnutrition at the same time as an increasing number of people are overweight or obese.

Labs on how to expand the “go-to” policy toolbox

The Spanish version of the Solutions Menu is being launched at the 2nd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme – Good Food for People and the Planet, Working together towards 2030.

Nordic Food Policy Lab draws attention to effective policy tools that aid the transition towards more healthy and sustainable diets in the Nordic Region, and will host a series of labs on how to refine the "go-to" policy toolbox during the following activities in Costa Rica:

  • 1 February: Sustainable, healthy and inclusive gastronomy as a key driver for sustainable food systems - A one-day workshop to exchange experiences and to work towards a global proposal on healthy, inclusive and sustainable gastronomy 
  • 3–4 February: Regional Workshop - Food system challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean. Topic: “At the crossroads of natural resources, livelihoods, and nutrition”
  • 5–7 February: 2nd Global Conference of the One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems Programme – ‘Good Food for People and the Planet - Working together towards 2030’

Download your free copy

The Solutions Menu seeks to inspire new and robust policy responses to societal and environmental change, helping create a shift to more sustainable food consumption.

The 24 food policy examples span the areas of nutrition, food culture and identity, public food and meals, food waste and sustainable diets. Each solution represents a tangible step to address a specific issue; together they represent a new and holistic approach to food policy.