FN og Nordisk Råd i dialog om abortlovgivning på Færøerne

30.06.21 | Nyhed
FN’s landerapportør Madam Nicole Ameline mener ikke, at Færøerne lever op til sine forpligtelser i FN’s kvindekonvention (CEDAW), når det kommer til færøske kvinders ret abort. Det kom frem på Udvalget for Velfærd i Nordisk Råds møde, hvor landerapportøren sammen med organisationer fra Færøerne og udvalget i Nordisk Råd drøftede abortlovgivningen på Færøerne. Et flertal i udvalget stemte efterfølgende for at sagen ikke skal gå videre i nordisk regi men mener, at det er vigtigt at debatten bliver taget på Færøerne.

Udvalget for Velfærd i Nordisk Råd har i sit politiske arbejde fokus på bl.a. ligestilling og sundhed for alle i Norden, hvilket er baggrunden for, at udvalget interesserer sig for abortlovgivningen på Færøerne. Da FN’s kvindekonvention (CEDAW) ikke mener at Færøerne lever op til sine forpligtelser i forhold til færøske kvinders ret til abort, var FN’s landerapportør Madam Nicole Ameline inviteret til mødet med udvalget for at belyse sagen nærmere. Madam Nicole Ameline fremførte på mødet, at den færøske abortlovgivning tilsidesætter kvindes rettigheder. Tilmed kan den have den konsekvens, at nogle kvinder søger mod alternative løsninger for at få en abort, hvilket kan bringe deres sundhed i fare samt kriminalisere dem. Madam Nicole Ameline anbefaler derfor, at Færøerne ændrer lovgivningen og siger:     

- Seksuelle og reproduktive rettigheder er fundamentale rettigheder. Ikke at respektere disse rettigheder, er en form for kønsbaseret vold og udgør en krænkelse af kvinders rettigheder, lyder det fra landerapportøren. 


Et internt anliggende på Færøerne

Socialministeriet på Færøerne deltog ikke på mødet og henviser til, at ministeriet ikke anerkender, at Færøerne bryder konventionen. Socialministeriet henviser desuden til, at sagen anses som et internt anliggende på Færøerne og således ikke et anliggende for det officielle nordiske samarbejde. Under Udvalget for Velfærd i Nordisk Råds drøftelse af sagen valgte et flertal at stemme for ikke at gå videre med sagen. Udvalget for Velfærd i Nordisk Råd ordførende Bente Stein Mathiesen siger: 

- Nordisk Råd har respekt for Færøernes selvstyre og har lyttet til bl.a. udvalgets færøske medlemmers ønske om, at Færøerne selv håndterer dette. Jeg ser vores udvalg i Nordisk Råd, som en platform, hvor sager, der berører nordiske borgere kan tages op for at politikere kan lære af- og motivere hinanden på tværs af landegrænser. Vi er glade for at kunne bidrage til at igangsætte en fornyet dialog omkring abortlovgivning, som vi håber, Færøerne internt vil tage videre. Men det er en kompleks sag, og flertallet har altså besluttet ikke at lade sagen gå videre i vores regi. 


En polariseret debat med mange følelser

På dagens møde bidrog Ligestillingsnævnet på Færøerne, Etisk Råd på Færøerne og Amnesty Færøerne med indlæg, der gav et nuanceret billede af sagen, som griber ind i bl.a. kultur, religion, ligestilling og menneskerettigheder. Etisk Råd på Færøerne forklarer følgende: 

- Det overordnede spørgsmål i abortdiskussionen er, om fokus ligger på fostrets ret eller kvindens ret. I de lande, hvor der er fri abort, er fokus kvindens ret. I den færøske lovgivning er fokus i højere grad på fostrets ret. Der er mulighed for at få foretaget en abort på Færøerne, men der er visse kriterier, der skal være tilstede, inden der gives tilladelse. Det smertelige i abortdebatten er, at der er så meget på spil. Det er svært at forsvare den ene position uden at krænke den anden, foklarer forkvinde i Etisk Råd på Færøerne, Anne Mette Greve Klemensen. Hun tager ikke konkret stilling i sagen, men appellerer til en værdig debat. En pointe, der var bred enighed om.   

Ungdommens Nordiske Råd ønsker ændring af lovgivning 

Ungdommens Nordiske Råd, som også deltog på mødet, har flere gange godkendt egne resolutioner omkring ”fri abort i hele norden”, som danner grundlag for Ungdommens Nordiske Råd holdning til abortlovgivningen. Medlem i Ungdommens Nordiske Råd, Anna Falkenberg, der selv kommer fra Færøerne, er glad for at udvalgets fokus har bidraget til debatten, som hun dog mener i sidste skal tages internt på Færøerne. Hun siger:

- Grundlæggende synes jeg, at den færøske abortlovgivning bør ændres, så valget reelt bliver kvindens. Dette er et spørgsmål om ligestilling i sundhedsvæsnet, hvor færøske kvinder ikke er ligestillede i forhold til kvinder i de andre nordiske lande. Denne pointe støtter udvalgets ligestillingsordfører Nina Sandberg, der på vegne af den socialdemokratiske gruppe stemte for at lade sagen gå videre.  

Written replies by Mme Nicole Ameline, member of the UN CEDAW Committee

Written replies by Mme Nicole Ameline, member of the UN CEDAW Committee, on questions for the media by the Nordic Council ahead of the meeting with the Nordic Council’s Committee for Welfare on the abortion legislation in the Faroe Islands, 28 June 2021, 3:05-4:05pm



The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its recommendations contained in the concluding observations of 8 March 2021 (CEDAW/C/DNK/CO/9) on the ninth periodic report of Denmark, including Greenland and the Faroe Islands, to the Committee has commended Denmark for its advanced social model and its strong traditions of respect for the rights and freedoms of women and girls, which constitutes a strong basis for gender-responsive COVID 19 emergency responses and recovery strategies, including full access by women and girls to sexual and reproductive rights.

The Committee has also recommended that the State party establish a comprehensive implementation mechanism for its concluding observations with the participation of the Governments of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands while respecting the autonomy of the self-governing territories and the principle of subsidiarity.

The Committee considers that the State party – Denmark – is accountable for the implementation of the CEDAW Convention throughout the whole territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, as well as extraterritorially. In line with its obligations under the Convention, the Committee considers that the Government of Denmark has to take proactive measures to ensure that the CEDAW Convention is given effect in all of the territories of the Kingdom of Denmark as it has ratified the CEDAW Convention without territorial reservations. However, the Committee also acknowledges that the Parliament of the Faroe Islands (Løgting) has decided that the CEDAW Convention should apply in the Faroe Islands. The Committee recognizes and stresses the crucial role of the self-governing territories and their own responsibilities under international and national law, in particular in the areas of their legislative competencies. It has therefore expressed concerns and given recommendations specifically addressed to Greenland and the Faroe Islands in its concluding observations concerning Denmark as well. 

The Committee also recalls  its position on criminalization of abortion and the criteria for the termination of pregnancy contained in its statement of February 2014 on sexual and reproductive rights, which constitute a fundamental basis of rights. The Committee states: “Unsafe abortion is a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. As such, States parties should legalize abortion at least in cases of rape, incest, threats to the life and/or health of the mother, or severe foetal impairment, as well as provide women with access to quality post-abortion care, especially in cases of complications resulting from unsafe abortions. States parties should also remove punitive measures for women who undergo abortion. States parties should further organize health services so that the exercise of conscientious objection does not impede their effective access to reproductive health care services, including abortion and post-abortion care.” It is the responsibility of States to decide whether or not to go beyond these criteria, however, not to go below. 

In addition, Denmark is part of the Forum Generation Equality coalition on sexual and reproductive rights and accepts to take global responsibility for this issue.

Sexual and reproductive rights are fundamental rights and constitute a driving force for women´s empowerment and leadership recognized and protected as human rights in Europe in accordance with the CEDAW Convention.

The non-respect of these rights is a form of gender-based violence and constitutes a violation of women rights.


    * legislation 

The legislation on abortion in the Faroe Islands includes the possibility of criminalisation of women seeking abortion and not enjoying the same access to sexual and reproductive health services, including safe abortion and post abortion services as women in Denmark and Greenland. 

The legislation has been amended three times. The current rules maintain special conditions, including the consent of two independent doctors before the request for an abortion can be granted. 

      * consequences 

Restrictive laws prohibiting abortion do not reduce the need or use thereof, they only increase health risks or result in women having to seek other avenues. Unsafe abortion remains a very serious concern across the globe.

The impact of restrictive laws on discrimination is significant in accessing safe reproductive health services, particularly for the most vulnerable women.

By depriving them of the responsibility to decide for themselves, the current legislation prevents women from the full enjoyment of their rights and limits their capacity for empowerment and leadership.

      * Restrictive conditions for abortions 

The current legislation discriminates between Danish and Greenlandic women on the one hand, and Faroese women on the other, and increases inequalities in access to rights.


While noting the responses given by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Faroe Islands, the Committee reiterates its recommendations:

      * amendment of the legislation 

    - The Committee welcomes the dialogue initiated by the Nordic Council which is in line with our concluding observations in view of reaching harmonization between the different legislation.

    - The Committee recommends an analysis of the impact of the current legislation and its adaptation in order to comply with the Committee’s concluding observations. 

    - The Committee calls for a comprehensive approach in line with the urgent need for consolidation of women’s rights in the current context and as regards the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

    - This issue concerns very directly the status of women, their health, their choice of life and their capacity to exercise their decision-making powers. Sexual and reproductive rights are key for gender equality, and, as a component of good health, also as key factors for empowerment.

      * action plan and removal of barriers 

    - Our Committee gives the greatest importance to access to rights and considers that barriers or practical obstacles reduce their effectiveness. 

    - Self-governing authorities are therefore concerned and accountable within their jurisdiction for the application of the Convention in implementing policies and programmes that uphold sexual and reproductive rights, and ensure full access and affordability, also taking into consideration the most vulnerable girls and women. 

        - The Committee recommends that, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity and in line with their national competence, the Faroe Islands find a consensual approach for the benefit of women’s rights by ensuring a high quality healthcare, including access to modern contraceptives and legal and safe abortion.

         -  The application of the Convention requires the effective legal and practical implementation of all its provisions. The adoption of an appropriate legal framework has to be supported by an action plan, programmes and budget enabling women to benefit from the full and concrete enjoyment of their fundamental rights.

            - It implies a global strategy for gender mainstreaming, mobilizing administrations and civil society, establishing time- bound objectives and promoting awareness raising and education.

         * cooperation with CEDAW 

              - The Committee is ready to engage in further meetings and encourages the Government of the Faroe Islands to assess and apply good practices in line with all parts of the country of Denmark.

- In line with the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Committee stresses the crucial role of Parliament in this regard.