Student accommodation in Denmark

Studieboliger og kollegier i Danmark
Here you can find information about student accommodation in Denmark

If you are travelling to Denmark to study, you can choose to look for a rented, owner-occupied or housing association home on the housing market.

However, students will often choose to apply for a place in a hall of residence or youth apartment.

It is usually cheaper to stay in a hall of residence than in an apartment, but the space available is of course correspondingly smaller.

Due to their low rent, and because it is often difficult to find an apartment, there are usually long waiting-lists for rooms in halls of residence in the larger cities.

It is therefore a good idea to get onto the waiting-list for a room in a hall of residence as early as possible.

If you wish to be placed on the waiting-list for a room in a hall of residence, you can contact the hall of residence or student counselling service at the educational institution where you are going to study.

You can find more information on student accommodation and youth housing in Denmark at

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