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Financing and Climate Investment

10.12.19 | Viðburður
Luca Bravo
Financing and climate investments does not at first glance seem to be two things that goes hand in hand. But maybe it does not come of as odd as it may sound? Come to the Nordic Hub in Stockholm to learn and hear more about sustainable financing and business models that contribute to concrete climate action, and to network with professionals in green financing, growth businesses and sustainable development


12:30 - 19:30

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56 Stockholm


12.30-13.30 Lunch talk: What should we eat to stay within planetary boundaries?

  • Amanda Wood (PhD), Researcher at Stockholm Resilience Centre

What is this EAT Lancet report on sustainable healthy eating that people talk about? Join us for this scientific lunch talk on why food is so important for climate change mitigation. You will hear from Amanda Wood, who worked on the EAT Lancet report and later authored a report on how we need to transform our Nordic food systems to live up to the EAT Lancet recommendations.

Taste the transition - Lunch talks

10 lunch-talks will take place at Norrsken House 2-13 December, featuring visionaries and solutionists who are bringing a new perspective on how to accelerate a transformation for more sustainable and healthy diets. Join us to meet the new voices for a delicious disruption in food.

There are limited seats for the events, so hurry to make sure you get a chance to meet your favorite speaker!

Hosted by Nordic Food Policy Lab of the Nordic Council of Ministers

Sign up here!

15.00-16.00 Sustainable finance - The Nordic Way

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

The path we are on is not sustainable regarding the limits of our planet. If nobody slows us down, we may be on highway to hell. What is the best way for the Nordics to reduce global emissions? Is building battery factories in Swedish Lapland the answer? What are the implications for sustainable finance? Should finance ministers get their act together? Is there any Nordic value-added in the debate?


  • Kjell Nilsson, Director, Nordregio
  • Susanna Campbell, Member of the Board, Northvolt
  • Thomas Wrangdahl, First Vice President and Head of Lending, Nordic Investment Bank
  • Professor Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics and Political Science


  •  Jukka Ahonen, Head of Communications, Nordic Investment Bank

Host in Madrid

  •  Pekka Morén, Co-chair (Sherpas) of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action 

Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)

16.00-17.00 Engaging public and private sector to co-create impactful off-grid energy business models

Joint event in Stockholm and Madrid 📺

Did you know that almost one billion people worldwide still lack access to electricity? These people have difficulty even getting light to cook or read during dark hours. Not to mention charging their phones. In today’s world, access to electricity is one of the main preconditions of prosperity growth.

A new award-winning programme, Beyond the Grid Fund, has proven how a vision of scale with local solutions and an openness for exploring new ways of collaborating can result in innovation, break business- as-usual trends and bring us closer to realizing the sustainable development goals.

Experts from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) will together with private sector investors share their experience and look into how we can get further involved in global climate action, in a financially and socially viable way.


  • Patrik Stålgren, Head of Project, Power Africa, Sida
  • Tom Erichsen, Differ
  • Hon. Dr Nathaniel T. Blama, Executive Director, Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (in Madrid)
  • Christoffer Falsen, Trine, crowdsourscing
  • Merja Laakso, REEEP
  • Adam Öjdahl, Adviser, Power Africa, Sida (in Madrid)
  • Helle Lindegaard, NEFCO

Moderators in Stockholm Josefin Hoviniemi, NEFCO, and in Madrid Ash Sharma, NEFCO.

Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)


17.00-17.45 Networking with Nordic finance experts

Come and engage yourself in exciting conversations and expand your network with people who shares your interest in the climate.


18.00-18.30 Briefing Swedish Delegation and Civil Society

Joint event in Stockholm and Madrid 📺

The Minister for the Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister, Isabella Lövin, will host a meeting between the Swedish delegation and the Swedish civil society regarding the status and upcoming issues during the last week of negotiations. There will also be some time for questions. Will be held in Swedish.

Swedish Ministry of Environment

18.30-19.30 Strengthened institutions for a sustainable climate – A global capacity building program

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

This program aims to support selected African countries to produce, analyse and use data for climate and urban policy development. An identified key challenge is how to ensure that individual capacity and commitment also becomes institutional. The seminar will, through a participatory approach, focus on ways of addressing this challenge.

  • Björn Svensby, Senior Advisor. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Malin Kanth, Senior Advisor. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Jonas Allerup, Climate Analysist. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Bo Söderberg, Chief Economist. National Board of Housing, Building and Planning

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program above). Events are free of charge. Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

Note that changes in the program may occur. 

Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program below). Events are free of charge.

Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

LIVE from 3:00 p.m.

LIVE from 4:00 p.m.

LIVE from 6:00 p.m.